Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich



Persons called scientists are thrown into confusion by two things:
" firstly, they do not like methods we use to reach ear of people, since they think delivery of that what is necessary to deliver should be realized either under the threat of punishment or by means of complex terminology;
" secondly, they scare that we are considered scientists' enemy.
But, indeed, this all is wrong. Persons called scientists just replace scientists. There are not much real scientists, but there is great number of people replacing them. As a result, exactly they have become to be called scientists. In countries, where there is no horse, donkeys are called horses.
Idris Shah

This collection of articles is organized by Mr. Morozov Alexander Nicolaevich. As new materials are received, the collection will continuously be added and renewed. Author is inviting everyone who is interested by questions touched on to take part in publications or scientific discussion. The collection includes materials of experts whose views on current state of reclamation problems are somewhat different from ones existing in pre-scientific circles. Certainly, you will learn something new or remember something sufficiently well proved and tested by practice, as well as you will become acquainted with ideas possibly have been published nowhere yet. Whether they are correct or not, you, dear readers, may decide for yourself. If something is not right, in your opinion, let us discuss that, since the truth is coming in disputes. One of our goal is to make discussion on questions touched on more active.

We have published a part of our ideas in scientific editions, but, as we see, there is no evident reaction to these publications. It is hard to us to judge why it is so. Perhaps, our judgements have not been argued enough, may be they are too easy and understandable to take place worthy for high scientific sphere, aren't they? It is possible that absence of "feedback" is caused by limited number of editions or by some other reasons. This day's means of e-mail and Internet give wide additional possibilities for contact between production providers, scientists, postgraduate and ordinary students. And we made up our mind to apply them.

Questions posed by us for discussion are known enough, but they are far from unambiguous understanding (not to mention sound solutions many of those are cited in this work!)

What will the matter concern, and what peculiarity have the materials offered?
We are beginning from issues:

  • What is a "key" to solution of the Aral Sea region problem?
  • Where are primary investments necessary to when reconstructing existing irrigated systems, and where will they be the most efficient?
  • By what principal characteristics need to be distinguished new irrigation systems from now existing ones?
  • The answer to all these questions is unambiguous: mainly perfect technique and technology of watering. Why?
  • What it shall be like - the state strategy of Uzbekistan Republic on for water management and water resources protection?

See the section:
"What like do we see hydro-reclamation systems in future".
There is an attempt to make holistic review on hydro-reclamation system as a aggregate of objects for making product under reasonable water resources use in this section.
Holistic review is necessary in science and production, as lack of complex evaluation can figuratively be explained by an example of ancient Indian parable about evaluation of an elephant by five blind men, each of those "investigated" a part of it accessible to him only, and, I think, there is no need to reiterate what the result was.

We are analyzing the hydro-reclamation system as a whole and by its separate functional elements. The best system will be, without fail, not that having not the most perfect drainage and not the most perfect irrigation systems, but just one, which due to optimal correlation of its functional elements (for certain natural and economical conditions) will perform its destination to the best advantage while having minimal expenses of material and natural resources, which are under shortage.

Paradoxically it may seem, but to present day salted and subjected to salinization lands reclamation problem's solution is linked, mostly, to engineering drainage only, though its solution for 90 % depends upon perfection of watering technique.
Beginning of this tendency dates from the moment of deep study of the problem in 1915-1925 years and failure of the first Golodnaya Steppe developers. In view of beginning of catastrophic salinity when irrigating big tracts of new lands, which was recurred in 1956-80 years, it has strengthened and still continues to be kept virtually on all lands subjected to salinity!

How many times can one make again the same mistake?

I was brought to reasons by venerable scientists on several conferences; they said that science always advocated of integrated approach to saline soils reclamation. It was difficult to disagree with it, generally, "integrated approach" expression was originated in lexicon of land reclamation specialists approximately starting from 60-ies of last century, however, nothing was proposed in practice to help to realize it. Mr. Shaumian paid with his career for that, and works of S.M. Krivoviaz, of P.P. Moskaltzov and of others were like a cry of wishful people in a desert. Attempts to optimize furrow irrigation for very wide range of natural conditions are doomed to failure because its performance capabilities for even and economical water distribution of root zone wetting even on paper or in idealized models are very limited. They are being said continually about energy intensity of perfect techniques of irrigation but at the same time, sensu stricto, they lose enormous funds for water lifting and not for achieving of harvest but for continuing of heroic struggle with downward meliorative conditions! You can find some materials on that in the article of Morozov A.N."About evaluation of possibility of application of perfect methods of irrigation" published in this issue.
It is time to realize, that water shall be delivered to fields with the purpose to improve natural conditions (and that is why it shall be delivered within strongly defined volumes, that were determined by science long ago) but not for areas waterlogging and keeping conditions that promoting soil salinization. After all, everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than treat it!
What watering technique is the most efficient in one or another soil-reclamation conditions of the Aral Sea region? Why, as early as today, can "expensive" sprinkling compete with other watering methods on almost a fourth of irrigated lands (in economical, ecological and other aspects), and for what reasons? About this see on pages "Technique and technology of watering. New ideas and constructive decisions", prepared by Doctor oh Technical Science Mr. Vitaliy Konstantinovich Sevryughin.

It is time to understand that we should supply water to fields in order to improve the natural conditions (and therefore in strict dosed quantity which is defined by the science long ago), and not to swamp the territory keep a regime salting the soil! It is generally known that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure the one.

Our new author V.I.Antonov's article called "Sprinkling? That makes good sense..." inserted in this section is interesting. It includes many constructive things about not only sprinkling but about water-related problems in the whole.

In the section "Watering technique is a key to reclamation of salted lands" prepared by the site's author you can find material on connection of situation turned out in irrigated agriculture on salted and subjected ton salinity lands of the Central Asian Region (CAR) with watering technique used, about possible ways out of the situation arisen.

On the page "About using sprinkling irrigation in the Kyzylkum desert", you will find an interesting material by A.N.Morozov, made of materials of the Doctor thesis work of N.L.Morozov of near historical past, that confirms our previous conclusions concerning the efficiency of using improved irrigation technique on lands subjected to salinity. Moreover, the section is complemented with the V.K.Sevryugjin and A.N.Morozov's article named "Analysis of the sprinkling usage experience in Uzbekistan".

A new section in our site is dedicated to the vexed and absolutely not developed (under the geopolitical and economical conditions formed nowadays) point on replenishment of the Central Asian region from rivers of other countries. The idea itself is sound and do not raise doubts, for no matter how reasonable water resources are used, their exhaustion is inevitable in countries where there are abundant lands good for irrigation. In the world practice, there are successful examples of realization of inter-basin redistribution of river flows, from regions with excess water to regions suffering from its shortage. Solution of such, say, global problems needs for too much time and attraction of high-qualified experts in various fields. Historical examples are indicative of the fact that implementation of ideas on realization of even relatively small irrigation objects required for a sufficiently long time, sometimes - a few centuries.

We give two articles regarding this problem: by V.I.Antonov "Re the "fallacious" project that should be rehabilitated" and by an Academician of the International Academy for Information, Doctor of economical sciences D.M.Ryskulov, author of economic substantiation of the design decisions' Feasibility Studies, referred as to "At first, one should know: if is water supply from the Ob river to Central Asia effective?". We would like to consider without bias all merits and demerits of this idea from the scientific standpoint, casting aside all unnecessary unfounded demagogy in order to determine possibility, conditions and terms for its realization.

In that section, an article by Y.I.Shirokova, A.N.Morozov "On allowing for drainage degree and mineralization of irrigation water when designing irrigation regimes" has been added. In that examples of application of water-salt regime modelling useful for making strategic decisions and, in particular, on drainage place at water-salt regime control, are shown.

The main role of the site's author is issues on soil water-salt regime forming. More than 50 % of irrigated lands of the Republic of Uzbekistan and quite considerable areas of the other republics' territories are salted or potentially subjected to salinity. In such conditions one cannot but account for water resources quality and salt-transfer processes while developing irrigation regimes and calculating water consumption.

Nevertheless, so far it is not considered in the most up-to-date developmental works, including "General development scheme of irrigated agriculture and water economy if the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period to 2015 years" now being worked out. In the "Water-salt regime of soils" section data about the phenomenon's nature, brief description models of various complexity and parameters to them, adapted and zoned in accordance with the CAR's natural conditions are given. However, not the models based on the known Lavoisier-Lomonosov law as such have the most importance, but those results, which follow from the

Generalization materials of various scientific research institutes and some scientists' publications over a period of 50 years on issues of crop irrigation regime study are discussed on next page. On the base of these materials' analysis, conclusion on incorrect version of the results of many short-term experiments is drawn, in those sluggishness of the soil salting and desalination processes were allowed for not always, and features of watering technique by furrows applied in the tests were absolutely ignored. Farther on the page, materials are discussed summarizing publications by various research institutes and scientists on studying crop irrigation regimes of more than last 50-year period. Basing on the analysis of these materials a conclusion was made regarding incorrect interpretation of many short-term experiments' results, in which the initial soil salinity degree and lag of salinization-desalinization processes was not always taken into consideration, and peculiarities of furrow irrigation technique used were completely ignored.

Study of gravitational moisture flows in Uzbekistan loess-like soils is considered by the article of Mr. Morozov and his colleagues "Investigation of forming prevailing water flows in the soils of the Djizzak region" that was carried out at the first stage of the INTAS FOOD2000 #436 Project. This phenomenon is of great significance at salt carry-over under soil leaching.

In the last release the interesting work N. Sh. Sharafutdinova was added. Metod for taking of the decisions about a choice inspection points number for maintenance of authentic salt shootings.

In the situation developed now, when irrigation water quality in the Central Asia rivers basins lowers because of exporting drainage and waste waters back to the sources, and their indirect repeated use becomes forced and, practically, general. Furthermore, because of irrational water resources use and their exhaustion owing to irrigation development, direct using drainage-effluent waters often compensate river water lack. How much it is dangerous to soils and crop yield we are analyzing in the article by G.V.Stulina, Y.I.Shirokova, and A.N.Morozov "Current tendency of water resources forming and traits of high-mineralized water use for soil irrigation under the conditions of Uzbekistan".

In memory of my friend, colleague and interesting person a page in memory of G.N. Pavlov and also our joint article published with him in the first SREDAZGIPRIVODKHLOPOK proceedings collection: "On open drainage design of saline lands (New zone of irrigation of Golodnaya Steppe as example) was placed there. So far, the article mainly has not lost its topicality, although 35 years passed since its publication, it is interest of actual post graduate students and young scientists by its ideas and approaches to their decision. Besides, an article of G.N. Pavlov that has never been published before was added there: Proposals on "Scientific and Technological Progress" section development for prospective of irrigated farming of Uzbekistan that was written by him in 1997 for the section of scientific and technological progress in irrigation and irrigated farming of "Master plan of irrigated farming and of water economy of Uzbekistan Republic for period up to 2015"

A few new articles were published in the presented publication of number 13. One of them is on existing meliorative conditions in Khorezm oasis and on possible ways out of the situation: Muradov K.D. Shirokova Y.I., Morozov A.N. "Water use assessment and of meliorative conditions of irrigated lands of Khorezm oblast", another one is on irrigated lands zoning for selection of lands for efficient application of sprinkling: Morozov A.N. "Uzbekistan lands zoning for sprinkling application".

The authors have got a wish - using stored experience on scientific publications, of presentations development and of contributions at audiences with the very different levels of education, to write, translate into Uzbek and publish a popular book for farmers, students and post graduates on melioration of saline and subjected to saline lands. For this purpose we look for sponsors that could help us in writing and in publishing of this popular book. We have published Abstract of the book here.

Mainly, we touched only with water economy problems, but social and organizational questions were left out of our view. It is not enough to present proposals in technical aspect on the future of irrigation systems, it is also necessary to find out the ways of implementation for the proposed technical solutions! All of that are our objectives (and yours, dear readers of our web-site!) for future works We touched on, mainly, technical problems of water management, but the social and organizational issues remained out of our consideration. It is not enough to make suggestions concerning irrigation systems future in the technical aspects, which ought to be, but it needs to find ways of carrying out of the technical solutions offered. This is the purpose of our future works (as well as yours, dear readers of the site).
Here is an approximate range of issues, to which we are calling your attention. You can read these materials clicking once by the PC's mouse on keywords (which are underlined and italicized with bold) interesting you, and as a professional discuss them on the site that we are planning to refresh not less than bimonthly.

In the section "Watering technique is a key to reclamation of salted lands" prepared by the site's author you can find material on connection of situation turned out in irrigated agriculture on salted and subjected ton salinity lands of the Central Asian Region (CAR) with watering technique used, about possible ways out of the situation arisen.

The main role of the site's author is issues on soil water-salt regime forming. More than 50 % of irrigated lands of the Republic of Uzbekistan and quite considerable areas of the other republics' territories are salted or potentially subjected to salinity. In such conditions one cannot but account for water resources quality and salt-transfer processes while developing irrigation regimes and calculating water consumption. Nevertheless, so far it is not considered in the most up-to-date developmental works, including "General development scheme of irrigated agriculture and water economy if the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period to 2015 years" now being worked out.

Information on nature of the phenomena, brief description of different complexity models and of characteristics for them adapted and zoned in accordance with CAR natural conditions are given in the Water-Salt regime of Soils section. But the main reason is not the models that are guided by well-known Lavuasie - Lomonosov principles, but it is in the results that followed from the forecasts of changes

Generalization materials of various scientific research institutes and some scientists' publications over a period of 50 years on issues of crop irrigation regime study are discussed on next page. On the base of these materials' analysis, conclusion on incorrect version of the results of many short-term experiments is drawn, in those sluggishness of the soil salting and desalination processes were allowed for not always, and features of watering technique by furrows applied in the tests were absolutely ignored.

What can the current regulation of rivers flow realized the last 10 years lead to? Basing on the facts' analysis, Mr. Nicolay Pavlovich Starikov is reasonably demonstrating in the section "Problems of complex irrigation and energetic use of water resources, water allocation and flow regulation on the international level" that it is fraught with disastrous for not only the water consuming countries of the region, but as well as for the states generating in winter capacity of electricity in excess of planned rate. He offers to act so that to put in order inter-branch and inter-state water allocation taking into account mutual interests of the CAR's states. In the article called "On moisture-charging irrigation roles in increasing water supply to irrigated lands" an example is given about using modeling to study way-outs for the situation arisen in irrigated agriculture in the Syrdarya river basin as a result of Toktogul hydropower station transition to the energetic operation mode.

Here is an approximate range of issues, to which we are calling your attention. You can read these materials clicking once by the PC's mouse on keywords (which are underlined and italicized with bold) interesting you, and as a professional discuss them on the site that we are planning to refresh not less than bimonthly.

The collection's aim is:

  • to represent the authors' views with necessary scientific arguments, what is generally impossible to do in a short journal article in any single-purpose edition;
  • to try to make active everyone (both young and experienced scientists) who is worry about certain stagnation in solution of reclamation issues and efficient water resources use in irrigated agriculture.

It has been decided to insert all what, in our opinion, will contribute to understanding processes taking place in the very systems, as well as operation principles of complex irrigation systems.
We are ready to debates, any critiques toward us will be inserted in the site with the proviso that it should be scientifically argued.
Respectfully Yours Mr. Alexander Morozov and his colleagues.

25 January, 2007

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