Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich



Morozov A.N.


Issues of irrigated agriculture development strategy under the conditions of increasing water resources deficit in the CAR are very urgent at the present. Irrigated lands in Uzbekistan provide more than 90 % of gross output of the agriculture, and almost of all farming's production. Therefore, development of the agriculture is impossible without further irrigation development. Its directivity and rates depend on, in addition to material and technical capacity of the state and other investors, efficiency of irrigated lands and irrigation water, water and land resources availability, solution of socio-economical problems as well.
Besides purely agricultural-technical and economic-organizing factors, efficiency of irrigated lands is formed by their reclamation well-being and level of water supply to the lands, those, in their turn, depend upon water resource availability and the hydro-reclamation systems' technical state.
Insufficient water supply is conditioned by not only water resource shortage, but as well as large water waste for maintaining the current reclamation regime and losses due to filtration and surface discharge from the irrigation net, especially while irrigating. About 50 % of gross amount of water withdrawn from sources is lost in irrigation canals, 30 to 50 %, sometimes even more, of water delivered to the fields when irrigating. There are not enough hydro-constructions, especially water metering ones, on the inter-farm net. Arrangement problems relating to water assessment and water allocation between water consumers under the conditions of developing various (both big and small) water consuming farms are particularly critical.
Most of irrigation and collector-drainage systems in Uzbekistan operate for many decades, and so they are worn out to a considerable extent. Very complicated situation has formed on machine irrigation systems, where the equipment mortality may cause cessation of water supply to irrigated lands. Other constructions are worn out to a lesser extent, but they require for regular operating and heavy repairs, and, in some cases, for reconstruction as well.
Searching strategy of development and improvement of hydro-reclamation systems (HRS) for wide range of natural conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a task of primary importance requiring for understanding of mutual influence mechanism of functional elements of HRS.
An irrigated field is determining functional part for that HRS are formed. An irrigated land is, figuratively, a "workshop", in which plant-growing output is produced. HRS's perfection degree is determined by degree of meeting agricultural technique's requirements, i.e. watering technology.

One should take note that an irrigated land is directly serviced by irrigating and draining facilities, other functional parts of the HRS just indirectly influence on it.
Production of plant growing output on irrigated lands in ensured by quite a number of interrelated but especially specialized processes. Hydro-reclamation in these processes occupies indispensable but well-defined place for an arid zone - its task is merely regulation of water and salt regime of the soil! (It means that if not to plough up and sow the field, not to fight against vermin and not to take the crop, then whether you water or not, drain or not, the result will be the same - nought, even if not negative that!)
In relation to a hydro-reclamation system we can mark out following main functional elements (see also table 1), constructive solution of those have very big difference, depending on natural and economical conditions of the object, local traditions and the farmers' experience, whereas the function performed by them remains customary, only construction and amortization costs and expenses for maintenance of the territory's ecological state change:
- water sources;
- water intake facilities, hydrosystems;
- conducting systems (all types of canals);
- irrigation facilities;
- draining facilities;
- diverter system;
- equipment of purification, regeneration or effluent treatment.

Table 1
Main functional elements of hydro-reclamation systems

Functional elements

Water sources

Irrigation heads (rivers, springs, temporal water currents, lakes, reservoirs, areas for collecting precipitation).

Water intake facilities, hydrosystems

Constructions providing water supply to the conducting systems in accordance with consumers' requirements.

Conducting systems (all types of canals)

Constructions delivering water from the source to the field, to the consumer.

Irrigation facilities

Facilities for irrigation water allocation all over the field's area.

Draining facilities

Facilities for exporting rinsing part of water and excess water supplied.

Diverter system

Constructions gathering drainage-effluent waters from initial drain lines and carrying them toward water-purification units or storage devices-evaporators.

Equipment of purification, regeneration or effluent treatment

Constructions for mechanical, chemical and biological treatment of drainage-effluent waters for subsequent use the water and components have been extracted.

Effluent storage devices

Reservoirs for evaporating or temporary storage water not purified.












Big experience of investigation, designing, constructing and maintenance has been accumulated in all of these functional elements, all merits and demerits of used constructions are known, there are not much examples of study of the system as a whole. Not long ago this was bound up with intractable problems of theoretical and technical type, namely lack of necessary software tools and sufficient PCs' power. Every single-purposed design division used to select the most advantageous decision on its element, the system, as a whole, remained imperfect.
This resembles a situation in the european medicine, which generally treats individual human organs (i.e. disease) at high professional level, often to the prejudice of the health on the whole, unlike the oriental medicine, which takes into account the general state of the human, but the treatment's level of its individual organs is slightly backward.
An example of selecting a system's construction as a whole taking into consideration performance characteristics of its individual functional elements is demonstrated in V.E.Raynin and B.I.Coshovets' work. It is shown there, that selection of perfect expensive decisions on key functional elements, strange as it is, brings to general reduction of the system's price!
This is caused by:
- water saving;
- sudden volume decrease of regeneration flow;
- cost reduction to construction of drainage and over-flow pipe;
- cost reduction to maintenance of the territory's ecological state.
This conclusion is urgent also because more than 25 % of irrigated lands of the CAR and the Republic of Uzbekistan have, in particular, high and too high water permeability, causing under imperfect irrigation technique huge expenses of irrigation water
Virtually, the task comes to selecting the most advantageous, within the national economy's scale, combination of constructive solutions of individual functional elements for the system as a whole.
From the above-stated, analyzing the present situation we tried to define causes of occurrence of either disorder in operation of the hydro-reclamation system in every individual case, and to deal thenceforth with the causes instead of the consequences. Namely, we tried to find exactly that functional branch, modernization of which can deal with troubles in the system's operation by a rational way.
An analysis of the existing situation in the CAR's water economy using principles of value analysis (VA) allowed to reveal a number of negative effects on the hydro-reclamation systems, backgrounds of those lie, at-first, in imperfection of economical interrelations between the consumers and operatives; secondly, they are caused by poor technical equipment of the irrigation systems, and low level of the irrigating technique everywhere. Let's consider the problem in technical aspect in more detail.
The development of whole series of successive disorders is specifically found:
- excessive water-taking in the systems' head parts due to low level of technical equipment and maintenance of irrigation systems, irrigating technique, lack of economical liability for violation of water use rules and, as a result of this, export of drainage-discharged water capacity in excess of the rate;
- excessive water discharge in the collectors and tailrace (lateral) canals in the form of losses and irrigation water discharges from fields and canals for the reasons given above;
- rise of water deficit in middle and especially down parts of the systems owing to the above-stated;
- need for water make up to the irrigation systems' end length by means of pump stations, which is caused by increased water taking on the system's head parts;
- change for the worse of reclamation state even at the places, where its worsening was unthinkable by the natural conditions by the same reasons;
- worsening irrigation water quality while direct or indirect (through return to the sources) reusing drainage-discharged water;
- constructing open drainage and underdrainage to export technologically baseless water capacity in natural conditions, when often it would be enough to build up water tailrace (lateral) canals by natural thalwegs;
- ecological problems being aggravated.

Here are the whole series of the situation have been arisen, which are impossible to be eliminated neither from the middle nor from the end, but only from the beginning, that is from getting things put in order in water use in the canal system and water use on a field.

As the main thing in improvement of hydro-reclamation systems one should recognize necessity of all possible stimulation to improvement irrigation methods along with reconstruction of the irrigation network required for this, without that it is hard to operate existing present-day irrigation facilities.

One should pay attention to the obvious fact, and think of it: under the current efficiency of the conducting network, which amounts to about 50 %, every water cubic meter spared on a field is two cubic meter of water spared in the system's head, i.e. of water resources. What watertight arrangements on the conducting systems can ensure such an effect? Most likely, on grounds having failed filtration! At the same time, this is nearly one cubic meter of return flow spared (prevented!), quality of that is rather lower than one of water in systems' head!

We are going also to consider, from the point of view of the above-stated, function of the drainage-discharge network as a functional branch of the hydro-reclamation system. It consists in:
- draining valleys of temporal water current and river flood-lands, in natural state disposed to over-moistening (and, of course, to salting to some extent) owing to groundwater inflow from hypsometrically situated upstream areas;
-export of irrigation water excess, discharge of that from all parts of the distribution network, and fields as well, is observed everywhere.
- keeping proper salt regime on soils subjected to salinization.
As over-moistened depressions and lands subjected to salinization, where drainage is required a priory, occupied before irrigating very small part of the territory irrigated now (area of groundwater tapering, rivers' flood lands and temporal water currents), the collector-drainage network's main function on other irrigated lands remains correction of mistakes of the water-economical construction's wrong strategy, bad irrigation technique, and unpractical treatment of water. How to demonstrate this? It is very easy! Reclamation was supposed to correct natural defect of moisture, i.e. bring natural moisture level to an optimal one, ensuring designed crop productivity, while, in fact, 65-70 % of water taken at the systems' head have been lost. So, if there is no another alternative besides artificial draining for naturally over-moistened and subjected to salinization lands, in every other case there is certain assortment of arrangements instead of draining increase.
Under the conditions of gradual transition to market relations, when prices of building materials, drain-pipes and energy resources have been risen sharply, evidently, it is reasonable, in some cases, to revise existing approach to drainage estimate in particular and, in general, to lands reclamation state improvement methods.
It is possible to secure improvement of land reclamation (in the current situation on the most lands non-subjected to salinization and over-moistening in natural conditions) through undertaking technical-organizational actions reconstructing the irrigation network and introducing new irrigation equipment, and only where indeed it is impossible to manage without drainage, it is required to build and smartly maintain it.
This principle will help to select the most perspective and justified economically in the economic situation being developed method of keeping the lands reclamation condition required for plant growing.
It follows from the given reasoning that, for the near-term outlook, it is necessary limit oneself to the minimum actions on drainage transferring efforts towards technical-organizational ones and stimulating irrigation water sparing.
As regards lands salted and subjected to salinization, putting in order water use by halves and more will decrease requirement for drainage on them.
Perhaps, this is the key to solution of the Aral Sea region's main problem, isn't it?

It is appropriate to recall here V.A.Shaumjian's ideas, oblivion of those to a great extent has lead to the Aral catastrophe. After the first hectares of the Golodnaya Steppe's virgin lands were successfully developed in the second half of 50s, when there was no thought of water sparing, and over 15,000 m3 of irrigation water fell to a hectare, problems of "second" soil salinity have arisen "unexpectedly", drainage, as a panacea of that, found prevalent significance. And that took place on objects, where a perfect irrigation network in the form of concrete gutters was applied! That panacea's fate was the same as one of electrification, chemicalization and other "...ations for the country's prosperity".
And about what unexpectedness can one speak, when there was semi-centennial experience in irrigation in that area? Knowing rudiments of M.V.Lomonosov's ideas on substance conservation law could have made easier too much understanding the existent.

Each of the separable functional elements (see Table 2) physically can be realized originally enough, according to geomorphologic, hydrologic, hydro-geologic, climatic, soil-reclamation and economic conditions, as well as existing traditions and centuries-old experience of the farmers of the region. Although this experience should be reinterpreted because often it was developed in conditions of flow regulation, water supply and water export capacity absolutely different from those on present-day systems. Strangely enough, but actually there is no any up-to-date design developmental work, where through sorting all probable variants of functional element constructions for one or another soil-reclamation conditions a design, optimal for the system as a whole (from technical-economic consideration), has been selected.
Solution of this problem can be realized by VA's methods, and it may give very interesting results when considering and selecting yes-no variants of investments.
It should be noted set of the constructions listed is successfully used in many countries, where irrigated agriculture is developed. We think it is wholly sufficient for coming to effective conclusions without any extra investigations and tests. The problem consists in right combination selection from available arsenal of constructions for various natural conditions (this, of course, does not exclude searching for more efficient constructions of irrigation technical means and other elements of HRS). System approach is highly constructive when solving a put task. This approach allows to consider a HRS as a set of its individual functional elements, determine influence of its constructive features upon the system on the whole, define causes of unsatisfactory state, distinguish easily causes from consequences, and select decisions allowing to qualitatively develop irrigated agriculture even under the conditions existing now.

Table 2.
Constructive features of some hydro-reclamation system's functional elements.

Functional element
Constructive features

Conducting network

Canals in earth riverbeds. Artificially mudded canals
Canals coated with monolithic concrete
Canals coated with asphalt-concrete
Canals with gutter collapsible coating
Canals in tubular assembly facing and so forth.

Irrigation means

Checks for irrigation through flooding of crops of full sowing and rice.
Bars for crop irrigation of full sowing.
Furrows having or not having regulator devices in head.
Sprinkling facilities of various rain intensity (including mist-forming ones)
Drip irrigation facilities
Subsoil irrigation facilities and so on.

Draining means

Water export ditches having depth to 1 m for exporting rainstorm water and surface discharge of irrigation water.
Open drains having depth of 1-2.5 m for regulation water-salt regime under hydro-morph and transitional to auto-morph regimes of soil forming.
Open or under-drains with depth of 2.5-3.5 m regulation soil water-salt regime under transitional to auto-morph soil forming regime.
Open or closed drains having depth of 2.5-3.5 m with bore holes or pits-amplifiers for regulation soil water-salt regime under transitional to auto-morph soil forming regime.
Vertical drainage hole borings for conditions having favourable lithology or under pressure groundwater availability and so on.

Drainage-discharged water exporting means

Generally, open water export tracts without coating

Regeneration purification or effluent treatment facilities

Physical, chemical and biological purification constructions.

Effluent stores

Natural or artificially made reservoirs for drainage-discharged water accumulation with partial evaporation.

Progressive application of proposed approaches will allow to increase considerably water resource use efficiency, facilitate their problems relative to saving, control of salinity and swamping of irrigated lands, reduce volume of man-caused rejections, noticeably promote to solution of ecological problems.
Majority irrigation agriculture problems, to some extent, lie in the social sphere, and have relation to form of ownership of main mean of production in irrigated agriculture, namely land.
While transferring to market relations water-economy infrastructures (sources, water intake facilities, conducting network, reservoirs and export network) finally separate (legally) from consumers (both irrigation and non-irrigation ones). Apparently, centralized direction and water economy management on infrastructure level should remain for all foreseeable period.
The reason that principal production branch in irrigated agriculture (irrigated plots of the farm of any kind by ownership form) is organizationally and legally separated from the hydro-reclamation system's main part forms certain difficulties in conducting strict technical policy, and makes seek more flexible methods peculiar to the market economy. The power engineering specialist's example displays that counters availability where energy is transmitted to consumers and system of payment for it considerably facilitates this problem and allows exerting great pressure to consumers in respect of energy use rationalization. On the analogy, one should, first of all, introduce charge for services done when delivering irrigation water and exporting drainage-discharged water, along with fines for over-expense over the limits and bonuses for saving, what will stimulate water-accounting systems' development and improvement.
As to relation to consumers, it can be efficiently formed just on economical principles. Since transition of irrigation consumers to economic relations technical policy in reclamation have been using so far should be changed. Any investment of funds to reclamation construction on a private businessman's land without his interest can be considered as an outright grant, which is scarcely beneficial to the state.
How can one plan progress in reclamation, which is for 90 % connected with efficient irrigation water use? Apparently, through mechanism of market relations only. Like relations in electrical energy: on the one hand, establishment of hard limits with penalty sanctions and account of consumption (i.e. payment), and, on the other hand, development of industry of perfect and cheap irrigation facilities in order to sell freely on the favourable interest free credit conditions, taking into account that irrigation facilities are significantly more capital-capacious and less profitable than, for instance, home and industrial electrical devices.
As a result of such policy, the state will be able to make water resources reserve for further development of irrigated agriculture, and, at the same time, to solve complex enough problems of water export and pollution of sources (at least for 80 %) thanks to more economical and efficient water resources use in the most water-retaining branch of the economy.
The task practically is reduced to selection of the most gainful, on the whole, in the frame of economy combination of constructive decisions of certain functional elements, meeting concrete natural conditions.
One should return to the issue on "expensive" irrigation technique and ways of economical justification of reasonability of making one or another constructive decision.
Once, when I was a student, and went for a pre-degree practice work to a very prestigious institute, which was designing development of new lands in the Golodnaya Steppe and other land tracts, I read an "economical" justification of selection of temporary irrigators' construction as follows (because it was long ago the prices may be reproduced not exactly, but this does not change the essence of the matter):

(Everything is counted per 100 running meters)

"ok-arycs" (excretory furrows in a land bed)

30 rubles (former USSR's currency)

flexible hoses

4500 rubles

aluminum hard pipelines

8000 rubles

A conclusion is: "ok-arycs are adopted as the cheapest", and that's all.

A conclusion is: "ok-arycs are adopted as the cheapest", and that's all. Water losses, meliorative state of lands, irrigation uniformity, irrigators? labor productivity, efficiency of a hydro-meliorative system, return flow amount: such terms were absent in this economical assessment. Really, naivet - is rather bad.

Let us remember the old proverb: "I am not so rich so that to buy cheap things". Perhaps, it is appropriate in this case too. Indeed, to comprehend whether cheap or expensive is application (or non-application) of a perfect irrigation technique, one cannot amount to nothing more than a primitive estimations, but he ought to consider at least several typical cases: how it may have an effect, in the whole, on the system; and just after that he can decide if it is worth to use it or not. The question as to where and what irrigation technique is advisable to be applied should be decided with the assistance of competent technical-economical calculations and thorough zoning of the territory according to factors influencing on its adaptability.
To appreciate rightly, without any computations, need of a perfect irrigation use, we'd like to remind of the fact that 40 % of the all irrigation water in Uzbekistan, that is 24 km3 is lifted by pumps, one is not necessarily to be a competent engineer so that to how much it costs today. At the same time, we are reminding once again that, at the present, one cubic meter of water saved on a field means two cubic meters of water saved in the system?s head, i.e. water resource, and nearly one cubic meter of return water avoided!

This way one can estimate if it necessary that the Government should, in one or another form, finance introduction of perfect irrigation means. At such an approach, it will be obvious, what the state is to gain in the result of this. Financing forms may be diverse: direct one - lax purpose credits; or indirect one - by developing national industry of perfect and inexpensive irrigation means for easy selling on preferential interest-free credit terms.

How can one estimate whether the state needs to finance in some form an introduction of perfect irrigation facilities, if it is not clear what the state is to gain from this?
Yes, irrigation technique is expensive (as well as in the USA!), but total benefits of its use allowing for liquidation of consequences of "cheap" irrigation ways application, witch resulted to the Aral Sea catastrophe, probably finally can be considered.

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