are looking for sponsors. We'd like to write and publish a popular
scientific book for farmers in Russian and in Uzbek.
on land-reclamation
Authors: A.N. Morozov,
Shirokova Yu.I.
grand-dad professor can not explain obviously to his grandson
main idea of his scientific work, then it means that he himself
has poor understanding about that. |
scientists' joke
Abstract of the book.
Transfer to market relations and intensive development of farming
in Uzbekistan significantly in-creased interest of farmers on agronomy
and agriculture and also on melioration of irrigated lands. Many of
the people that often were of non-farming profession were involved
in process of onrush of farming. Development of simple, understandable
and popular manuals on land-reclamation is necessary for them. On
the other hand, there are people among farmers that have agricultural
education and vast practical ex-perience, but for a while they have
not opportunity to keep abreast of information on land-reclamation
Participation in numerous workshops and "schools for farmers"
carried out by different organiza-tions, oral communications with
many of farmers and interest in lectures shown from their side brought
authors to the idea on necessity to develop a book giving the general
image on lands irrigation, and, espe-cially - on saline lands and
that one which are subject to salinization. Besides, farmers are also
needed in specific recommendations on ways of salt regime control
of soils in different natural conditions of Uz-bekistan.
Taking into account that "Land-Reclamation" subject as a
scientific sector is of interdisciplinary direction, or in other words
it is synthesis of sciences on following:
- soil, and its granulometric and chemical composition; soil solutions
that are formed under impact of irri-gation and salinization;
-hydrogeology (groundwater hydrology);
- climate and related with it irrigation water regulation features
for different crops;
- irrigation schedules, irrigation methods and lands desalinization
- methods of drainage of irrigated areas, drainage designs selection
- features of different crops cultivation, crop requirements for water
and tolerable salinization at different stages of crops growth;
- soil-conditioned methods and perspective agricultural technologies
(zero and minimal tillage technolo-gies),
Authors decided to extend somewhere usual frames of textbooks on land-reclamation
and describe as possible clearer and easier (without pretension to
scientific completeness and almost without math-ematic manipulation)
the main processes that take place at irrigated fields and their interrelations.
Except well-known theses, new directions in technologies for irrigated
farming, results of the latest investigations in the field of land
reclamation and irrigated farming of arid zones, and also recommendations
on efficient technologies of land-reclamation will be covered in the
book. It will be useful for college students, bachelors and masters
as ancillary literature; it also can be used as a manual for trainings
for farmers at water user associations level, for dehkans and farmers
associations, or for special consulting organizations oriented to
farmers. The book will be illustrated with many of pictures, original
schemes and diagrams. The authors have long experience of scientific
investigations, publications in scientific magazines, pres-entations
development for audiences of different groundings, starting from rigorous
down to popular one intended for plain farmers. Some publications
of the authors and a list of their works can be found on our website
. The authors look for sponsor' support from organizations
that support progres-sive reforms in husbandry and transfer to market
relations with the purpose of writing, preparation and publishing
of the book, and its translation into Uzbek. If you are interested
in our proposal, please contact with us according to following addresses:
A.N. E-mail: water-salt@nm.ru
Yu.I. E-mail: saniiri1@uzsci.net
to connect to us
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