Nailya Shamilevna works the research assistant in Central Asia
Scientific Research institute of irrigation SANIIRI.
In 1996 Sharafutdinova Nailya Shamilevna, with honours graduated from
Tashkent state university, biology - soil faculty on a specialty soilscience
and agrochemistry.
After graduated from university was adopted on activity in SANIIRI,
where works till the present time. The scientific researches Sharafutdinova
N.Sh. beginnings at laboratory soil research and leaching, where were
conducted many by chemical-analytical researches on study water-physical
of the region properties soil, in agrochemical inspections of irrigated
grounds in dynamics, and also statistical computer data processing.
From 1997 - Sharafutdinova N.Sh. is the secretary of scientific Advice
of a section of Melioration and exploitation GMS.
Participated in chemical - analytical activities in the project WARMAP
(under the project ""Wufmas") - 1996 -1997.
In 2001 - has graduated correspondence separation of a post graduate
course SANIIRI, on a specialty "Melioration and irrigated husbandry".
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