Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


Starikov N.P.


Investigations conducted by the author related to the rational water resources use's theory and optimal work regime control of reservoirs of long regulation cycle applicable to an arid zone, and analysis of actual use of operating reservoirs of Syrdarya and Amudarya water-economy systems for the last 25 years allow make a number of generalizations and conclusions on further development and deepening of the developed subject, those are formulated in following theses given below.

1. "Working out of strategy and complex of work regime optimization programs of complex cascade of reservoirs in an arid zone making an allowance for hydro-energetic requirements" in its nature is a scientifically-practical problem in the subject being studied, oriented for achievement of main goals of Automated Operation System of river basin (ASUB-RIVER) - gaining maximum productive efficiency from the whole multipurpose water-resources scheme (MWRS) of the basin. Research aspect of this problem task is aimed to development of rules on ensuring rational and sustainable (for many years) water return regime of the basin water-economy system (WES) under availability of some uncertainties in an initial information. Principal point of the subject studies is optimization of work regime control of the cascade of reservoirs of complex irrigation-energetic purpose as main functional elements of the WES, those are intended put in order everyday flow regime of rivers (forming-production subsystem) according with requirements of WEC's branches (WES's consuming subsystem).
In current conditions of maintenance of operating reservoirs (under their fixed parameters and concretized location along a stem stream in combination with irrigation development the river run-off, which are close to the limit one) problem of the most full and, respectively, rational water resources (WR) use is principal. It mainly comes (is brought) to definition such a work regime both for individual reservoir and for a cascade of ones as a whole (i.e. sequence and rate of their discharge and filling up), that, upon the best meeting water consumers' requirements, would: firstly, promote to decrease of "idle" (for power engineering) and "non-scheduled" (for irrigation) discharges, water loss reduction due to evaporation from the reservoir's surface, and keeping water mineralization in prescribed limits in the stem stream; secondly, promote to maximization of energetic efficiency of hydro-power stations located in the basin (not only that included in hydraulic works of the reservoirs themselves).
The second issue relevant to a great extent to aspect of "WR use (consumption) rationalization", which is solved within the framework of a consuming subsystem, is inter-branch water allocation and redistribution. As for the basins of Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers, this mainly concerns irrigation and energy, and this problem physically solved again through the reservoirs' work regime, by sharing between them regulation functions in the cascade.

2. Solution of above-said problems connected with accounting great number system factors, some of those we should note:

a) flow controlled by the reservoirs, relative (to the flow rate) capacity of the reservoirs, their commanding position over irrigated tracts of land;
b) probabilistic nature of the flow, availability non-anisochronousness and non-sinchronism of regime between separate water currents of the basin, low authenticity of the flow forecasts;
c) variability requirements (by territory and time) of WEC's branches to amount and regime of water takings, connected with their increase or inter-industry rationalization, and, in this connection, change of amount and time of coming return flow, what influences, on the whole, upon capacity and flow regime actually regulated in the basin;
d) energy-potentiality of water supply and transit flow (taking into account pressure of both its and down-located hydropower stations) of each complex hydro-system, shortage of fuel and energetic balance of a district of the basin being considered; fuel cost (trailing expenditures), possibility of its storage (that is cost of its seasonal storing) and so forth.
In addition to factors mentioned, it is necessary to note that physically capacity of operating reservoirs changes in time (it is decreased owing to silting and marginal erosion), and introduction of new reservoirs during service of the ASUB (introduction of the Kambarata reservoir on the Naryn river, upper the Toctogul hydrosystem, in the Syrdarya's basin, and the Rogun reservoir on the Vakhsh river, upper the Nurek one, in the Amudarya's basin is planned), what brings to re-sharing of regime functions between all the operating reservoirs.
Most of enumerated factors is associated to uncertainty, and sometimes to inadequate source information, and this predestines capacity and complexity of solution of set of problems on cascade of reservoirs' work regime optimization, and respectively its economic-mathematical model (EMM).

3. Tension of water-economy situation in Central Asia, especially in the Syrdarya WES, greatly influences upon use regime of the operating reservoirs' capacity, and, as service practice for the last 25 years is evident of, it leads to many violations of the design order of their work and to divergens from the service (design) parameters. Firstly the divergens caused by inter-branch contradictions of requirements on water-delivery regime between departments of water-economy and energy, after disintegration of the Soviet Union, thanks to landscape specifics of the Surdarya's basin they became interstate. In particular, order of fillings and limits of limiting drawdown amount of the reservoirs' dischargeable capacities of, at the first place, the Toctogul one, supposed to make compensating many-year flow regulation of Syrdarya according to irrigation requirements. Higher winter drawdowns from the Toctogul reservoir for energetic purpose, being in common practice for the last 12 years (by Kirghyzstan), broke not only the design regulations, but the very principles of many-year flow regulation: drawdown of many-year capacity supply realized in high water capacity years (natural inflow for that period was higher than the outflow rate), what is fraught with considerable damage from water deficit in agriculture (for Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan), as well as in power engineering (for Kirghizstan) when water shortage period comes. Previous years partial drawdown of reservoirs' dead zone for irrigation purpose was in common practice, what caused sizeable damage to the region's power engineering (essentially throughout the cascade of Nijnearynskiy hydroelectric power station).

4. Observed in the Syrdarya WES water use excess over guaranteed water delivery, stipulated in the design, makes hard filling the reservoirs, and brings the system to situation of "unstable regulation regime", when water deficit becomes more frequent and deeper. To eliminate this, introduction of limit for water use is required in a practical maintenance of WES, and it is necessary to include into the part of EMM development on optimal management of the reservoirs maintenance regimes an elaboration task of ensured water delivery by the cascade of reservoirs, reflecting therein both technical parameters of the WES's objects and water-economical situation forming (at that moment) in the basin.

5. Target specifics of the flow regulation optimization process for a river of an arid zone at the stage of its WR development consists in that so as total delivery of the whole WES by non-return water use in years normal by water-balance situation (non-deficit one under discharged and non-excess one under filled up to the normal maximum operating level reservoirs) has to be consistent with the value of secure requirements (without short delivery and without exceeding). By observing this term the fullest and, correspondingly rational, use of WR is ensured.

6. The most severe difficulties in work optimization of complex cascade during exploitation period represent ensuring rational regime of drawdown-filling of reservoirs on the inflows (directly regulating only part of the flow of the main river's basin), and ones used in many-year compensation regime. Among such objects in the Syrdarya WES at present is the operated Toctogul hydrosystem, water yield in the reservoir site of that amounts to 30 % of the main river's flow, i.e. of the Syrdarya river (11.5 of 37.5 km3/year). In prospect Pskemskiy (the Chirchik river's basin) and Rogunskiy (on the Vakhsh r.) hydrosystems can be used in the same regime. Concrete drawdown rate from a compensating reservoir in each year should be determined based upon developing current water balance of the whole WES (over the end station of the basin's main river) observing the term of maintaining adjusted water delivery regime stated above.

7. In the design aspect, on the base of retrospective (hence, determinate) information, solution of this problem, although it is laborious, is not difficult. From day-to-day-exploitation consideration its realization is too hard because it requires for an immediate information (for the present situation) about inflows and drawdowns at the tail-water over all reservoirs of the cascade, about all water discharge and off-taking in the basin, and channel inflow and estimation of return water (RW). Lack of proper quantity facilities controlling WR in WES allows solving the mentioned problem only highly approximately, using for this purpose design statistics (calculations over retrospective years of time) on regulation parameters for a main reservoir-compensator, such as stabilizing range of annual drawdowns, limitation (non-exceeding) by maximum design values of one-year drawdowns of long-standing supply of regulating capacity and so on. According to the design data on scheme of complex use of water resource protecting (KIOVR) of the Syrdarya r., for the Toctogul reservoir, where the dischargeable capacity is 14 km3, such a one year-drawdown (within the framework of used in practice ensured for 90 % water delivery) has not to exceed around 6 km3.

8. In order to reduce wasteful loss of the flow for evaporation from the water surface, as well as reduce "non-scheduled" water discharge under filled reservoirs capacity, one can recommend:
application of "altitude" (regarding to subcommand irrigation tracts of land) principle in technologic succession of cycle "discharge-filling" of reservoirs of a cascade (firstly capacities of downstream ones are discharged, and then - of upstream ones; filling is carried out in inverted sequence);
avoiding within-year redoubling (filling some while synchronously discharging others) when using cascade's reservoirs capacities. An exception is acceptable in special case and under an appropriate feasibility study on the base of a comparison of inter-branch efficiencies and damages (see below the item 10).
Application of the mentioned principles touches upon a subject of seasonal productiveness in the MWRS's branches, and requires for, on the one hand, including into the EMM's structure tasks on productiveness estimation of the flow being lost, and, on the other hand, definition of difference in productiveness between the branches, with following definition of the total maximum productiveness in the WES for a year on the whole. General complex of programs on management by long-term maintenance regime of a cascade of reservoirs, including as a component part in the system of information-calculating complex of control of WES. Automated control systems of a basin has to be oriented to achievement of one of the main goal - gaining maximum productive efficiency from the whole multipurpose water-resources scheme of the WES when ensuring stable long-term regime of its functioning.

9. Complex's structure (composition of tasks solved by them) needs to reflect specifics of natural, economical and technological conditions inherent to water-economical systems of an arid zone, namely:
general deficiency of WR (potential excess of possible to irrigation lands over irrigation ability of the rivers);
prevailing irrigated lands among water consumers of MWRS (by a water-taking amount), and among water users - hydro-power engineering, what brings to forming a specific economical above-system - irrigation - energetic WES (IEWES);
instability of irrigation requirements (mostly increase) on the amounts and in the regime during the development process of WES, leading to change of the capacity required in the reservoirs for flow regulation;
time variation (decrease in the result of bed processes) of dischargeable capacity of the reservoirs, availability and, at the same time, continuous changes of RW arrival, constant change of capacity and regime of the very regulable domestic flow itself over the stem stream, bringing to the necessity, in the course of WES functioning, of making regular inspection of maximum capability of its water delivery allowing for the current technical state of the system's objects.

10. Continuous increase of water use for irrigation leads to inter-branch (primarily between power engineering and irrigation) water resource allocation, which can be carried out applying EMM of water efficiency comparison in these branches. On the base of the mentioned EMM practical calculations on efficiency comparison of "purely" irrigation and "purely" energetic variants of the Toctogul reservoir's regime have been performed, those gave the following results (they were defined in 1984's prices): the agriculture efficiency by the irrigation variant, ensured by the flow regulation in the Toctogul hydro-system (THS), and in which about 94 % of calculated costs of other rural enterprises is used, by total gross production - 1530-1700 mln. roubles, by total net income (TNI) - 900-1000 mln. roubles; and damage to the power engineering, connected with winter output reduction by the Toctogul hydro-power station (HPS) and corresponding overspending of more expensive winter fuel in the power engineering, was 17 - 19 mln. roubles/year. Basing on given factors, one can conclude that the THS because of keeping irrigation regime (by share in general man/hour) has the right to pretend to take its part out of TNI to 45-50 mln. roubles/year (not less than the value of damage to the power engineering said above).
A principal scheme underlying the EMM of comparison said of is shown below.

Principal efficiency comparison scheme of flow redistribution between the agriculture (irrigation) and power engineering (regime of hydro-power station)

On the scheme:
a) annual (average monthly costs - Q) water-economical balance of WES;
b) relationship of ensured (winter) power to energetic discharge Nens = f( );
c) the same, of annual capacity of irrigation water delivery Wir = f(Qens);
d) dependency of HPS' share in the power system's daily schedule N"HPS = f(Nens);
e) scheme of change of HPS' share in the power system's daily schedule when changing water-economical balance (WEB).

Conditional indications:
I and II - variants of WEB in the WES;
HHPSi - average pressure of HPS in a i-th month;
Qenmin and Qenmax - limits for water discharge under "purely" energetic regime;
Other PS - other "peak" power stations (conditionally HPS) of the power system.

11. Considerable influence on regulation regime and change of ensured water delivery to the branches in some cases can be made by water supply as well. Owing to reconstruction of hydro-reclamation systems, reorientation of the regions in crop cultivation, some changes in inter-branch efficiency of irrigation water, and, therefore, in territorial water allocation, take place. Market changes of prices or trailing evaluations of branch output (including fuel) can play not a little part in these processes. All this brings to a need for including in the complex special groups of tasks, which can be named as "expert-evaluating," namely:
more accurate definition of economical indices of criteria of water resources use (trailing evaluations of power energy, crop production, specific irrigation and hydro-energetic efficiency of water);
more accurate definition of inter-branch limits (in particular, low limit of minimum water discharge for power engineering);
more accurate definition (when allocation) of territorial limits of water delivery (economically-residential and ecological);
more accurate definition (in comparison to the design data) of total gross and net water delivery by the cascade of reservoirs of the WES (values of ensured water delivery).
Taking into account all the above-stated the WES' features of an arid zone, a general optimization complex can be presented by the following set of tasks (without detailing their individual groups) (see the table below):

Structure of technical-economic optimization problems of a cascade of reservoirs' long-term work regime in an irrigation-energetic WES
Index and name of problems and subproblems Where the input information arrives from Where the output information is delivered to
1. Calculations of trailing branch evaluations
1.1 Calculation of trailing evaluations of agricultural efficiency of irrigation water1.1. External information in the input flow (EIIF) and Reference Data (constant properties of constructions) (RD) To 2.3, 3.2, 3.3.7, 3.3.8 and 3.3.9
1.2 Calculation of trailing evaluations of power energy (CEPE)    
1.2.0 Auxiliary program inputting design water-energetic indices of HPS EIIF To 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3, 2.2 and 2.3
1.2.1 Calculation of annual power-energy balance (PEB) of the power system (PS) From 1.2.0 and EIIF To 1.2., 1.2.3, 1.3, 3.3.5 and 3.3.6
1.2.2 Calculation of annual maximum powers balance (MPB) of the PS. From 1.2.0, 1.2.1 and EIIF To 1.2.3 and 3.3.5
1.2.3 Definition of CEPE by variants of WEB From 1.2.0, 1.2.1 and RD (on fuel values) To 1.3, 2.2 and 2.3
1.3 Calculation of specific energetic efficiency of water (on the cascade's HPS) From 1.2.0, 1.2.1 and 1.2.3 To 2.2 and 2.3
2. Correction-optimization calculations
2.1 Calculation of ensured water delivery by the cascade of reservoirs From EIIF and RD (on water resources)
To 2.2 and 3.1
2.2 Calculation of economical maximum limit of hydro-energy interests From 1.2.0 and 1.3 To 3.1 and 3.2
2.3 Calculation of limit for water resources use to irrigation in the WES (accounting for other water consumers) From 1.1, 1.2.0, 1.3 and EIIF
To 3.1 and 3.2
3. Calculations of planned regime of the reservoirs
3.1 Calculation of annual water delivery of the WES (taking into account filling up of the reservoirs and flow forecast) From 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and EIIF To 3.2 and 3.3.1
3.2 Calculation of rational territorial water allocation (on river stations and reservoirs) From 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1 and RD (water-economic characteristics of reservoirs) To 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.7 and 3.3.9
3.3 Calculation of rational annual regime of flow regulation by reservoirs    

3.3.1 Forming variants of WEB (requirements to reservoirs' work regime)
From 3.1, 3.2 and EIIF To 3.3.2, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.9 and 3.3.10
3.3.2 Calculation of flow regulation and water mineralization (on water-intake river stations and variants of WEB) From 3.2, 3.3.1, RD (on WR) and EIIF To 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.8 and 3.3.9
3.3.3 Calculation of water drawdowns to the downstream of a HPS (over objects of the whole cascade) From 3.3.2, RD (on hydro-geology and WR) and EIIF To 3.3.4
3.3.4 Calculation of WEP of the cascade's HPS (by objects of the whole cascade and variants of WEB) From 3.3.2, 3.3.3, RD (on parameters of HPS) and EIIF To 3.3.5, 3.3.6 and 3.3.8
3.3.5 Calculation of CEPE for HPS of the cascade (use of programs 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3) From 3.3.4, RD and EIIF To 3.3.6 and 3.3.8
3.3.6 Calculation of damage to energy due to change of the HPS' regime (by compared variants of WEB) From 3.3.1, 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 To 3.3.10
3.3.7 Calculation of agricultural efficiency under irrigation WR redistribution (by variants of the WEB) From 1.1, 3.2 and 3.3.1 To 3.3.10
3.3.8 Calculation of damage because of water evaporation off reservoirs' impounded water level (by variants of the WEB) From 1.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.5 and RD (on evaporations) To 3.3.10
3.3.9 Calculation of damage because of irrigation water's mineralization increase (by variants of the WEB) From 1.1, 3.2, 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 To 3.3.10
3.3.10 Calculation of summarizing effect over WEC, and selection of an optimal variant of the WEB From 3.3.1, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8 and 3.3.9 Resulting document

12. In the further work on big optimizing complex of programs, the following sequence of implementation can be offered:

1) On the group of correction-optimization tasks:

a. Working out of strategy and programs calculating ensured water delivery by the cascade of reservoirs and WES on the whole;
b. Working out of strategy and programs calculating branch (for irrigation and hydro-energy) and territorial limits for the river basin's water resource use.

2) On the group of tasks on direct planning work regime of reservoirs of long-term regulation:

a. Working out of strategy and programs calculating annual water delivery of the WES (allowing for flow forecasts and filling state of reservoirs by the beginning of planning);
b. Working out of strategy and programs of rational water allocation to reservoirs taking into account expected tension of the WEB (excess, deficit or normal state on water delivery) for a planned period;
c. Completing the complex of tasks on calculation of rational annual use regime of the cascade's reservoirs.

3) On group of expert-evaluating tasks:

a. Working out of strategy and complex of programs calculating trailing evaluation of water efficiency in irrigated agriculture;
b. Working out of strategy and programs calculating economic effect in agriculture under irrigation redistribution of WR.

For developers of the problems have been touched on, the programs, created by us, for PC may be interesting on three directions:

- Calculation of water-energetic indices of HPS";
- Definition of effects (damages) to HPS";
- Selection of optimal variant of water-economical balance".
These programs are a constituent part of a great optimizing complex of programs on regime control of a complex cascade of reservoirs in IEWES. From this point one can consider them as the first and not completed yet stage of work, but they can be used in a maintenance practice in combination with "manual " information (got as a result of manual calculation, or from analogues, or as directive data) on efficiency of water use in other branches of WEC, for which corresponding programs on evaluation of economic effect have not worked out yet.

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