Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


Antonov Vadim Igorevich, was born on August 25, 1938 in the Tashkent city, after successful graduation from school in 1955, he studied in the Agriculture Academy after Timiryazev in Moscow during 1955-1956 years, which he left after the second year; and then, from 1957 to 1962, he studied in the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Agriculture Mechanization, from that he excellently graduated in Hydro-reclamation specialty.
From 1962 to 1984, V.I.Antonov worked in the "Sredazgiprovodkhlopok" (Central Asian State Research Institute of Water and Cotton) Design-research Institute. He began to work in the capacity of an average engineer, and in 1964, he was appointed Chief Engineer of project of the Verkhne-Dalverzinskaya irrigation system. Since 1967 he began to take active part in projects development related to irrigation and reclamation of the Karshinskaya Steppe in Uzbekistan, on the area of 360 thousand ha.
In 1968, V.I.Antonov is designated as a Deputy Chief Engineer of the Institute, and in 1972 as a Deputy Director of the Institute on Scientific Activity. That time, he took direct part virtually in all projects, justification and development of which were carried out, then, by the "Sredazgiprovodkhlopok" Instiitute. Among those are the projects of irrigation and reclamation of new lands in the Golodnaya, Djizzak, Karshy Steppes, Surkhan-Sherabad valley, Karakalpakstan; projects developed by "Sredazgiprovodkhlopok" for Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and the Ivanov region of Russia as well; projects of such unique today objects as the Andijan and Talimardjan reservoirs, Takhiatash hydrosystem, Karshi main and Sherabad machine canals, cascade of Djizzak pump stations, and others.
In 1976, V.I.Antonov becomes the Chief Engineer and in 1977 Director of the "Sredazgiprovodkhlopok" Institute, and works in this capacity until 1984. Just those years, the Institute drew up most great schemes of the complex use and conservation of water resources in the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers basins, Chirchik-Akhangaran-Keles irrigation district, and in the Aral Sea basin in the whole, taking into consideration sea conservation on a ecologically acceptable level.
Since March of 1984 to February of 1986, V.I.Antonov worked as the First Deputy Chairman of State Planning Committee of the Uzbekistan Republic, and then, until October of 1988, as the First Deputy Chairman of State Agroindustrial Complex of the Uzbekistan Republic. At V.I.Antonov's suggestion in December of 1988, the "Vodproject" (Water Project Institute) Association was established in the republic. It included all the water-related design institutions, those were up to that time under diverse authorities. V.I.Antonov became General Director of the "Vodproject" Association. He still works there in the capacity of the Technical Director.

18 февраля. 2004 года

Antonovs' V.I. works'

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