Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


Yulia Illarionovna Shirokova works for the Central Asian Research Institute for Irrigation (SANIIRI). She successfully manages works of the Reclamation of Irrigated Lands and Improvement of Hydroreclamation Systems Operation Section. The job of the Section consists in working out of a strategy and tactics on development of irrigated lands reclamation and improvement of hydroreclamation systems operation, as well as rendering an operative scientific assistance directly to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, its design institutes, departments in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and to water consumers in agriculture.
In 1975, Yulia Illarionovna Shirokova graduated form the Reclamation Faculty of the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Agriculture Mechanization with honors. After the graduation of the Institute, she worked for three years as an assistant in the ?Agriculture reclamation? chair. Then she entered the internal postgraduate course of SANIIRI. She started her scientific investigations in the Soil Study and Leaching Laboratory, where she conducted many experiments on physical modeling salted lands leaching using mineralized (collector-drainage) water, which she continued by field studies with overhaul leaching of high-salted lands in the Golodnaya Steppe.
In 1986, Ms.Shirokova defended a PhD thesis in the ?Reclamation and irrigated agriculture? specialty and got a degree of Candidate of Agricultural Science.
Since 1991 up to now, she is in charge of the Soil Study and Leaching Laboratory, and since 1991 she is Deputy Director on Science. Main directions of the laboratory?s scientific activity managed by her at the present and for outlook are:
* working out and correction of the technical basics for soil salinity regime control during vegetation for theoretical and empiric justification of irrigation regimes;
* making new devices for control of soil salinity, soil moisture, and groundwater table;
* development and improvement of surface and remote methods of monitoring lands? state and meliorative objects, including application of geoinformation systems;
* working out of observation data analysis methods of lands? meliorative state for assessment of a current water-management meliorative situation, and making decisions on its improvement;
* experimental specification of the crop?s salt-resistance threshold when measuring soil?s salinity degree by electrical conductivity for definition of probable damages to the crop and helping to farmers in decision-making on selection and crop displacement, or carrying out of leaching.


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