Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich



1. A.R.Ramazanov, S.M.krivovyaz, Y.I.Shirokova, R.M.Prosin. Calculation of leaching rates using mineralalized water (in Russia). "Cotton production" journal, Moscow, 1983.

2. A.R.Ramazanov, Y.I.Shirokova. About meliorative conditions of Karakalpakstan lands, and efficiency improvement of leaching by water. SANIIRI activity. Tashkent, 1988.

3. Y.I.Shirokova. Principles of zonal factors use while calculating the selection of soil-conservation works. Works of the republican section of VOP, Tashkent, 1990.

4. A.R.Ramazanov, Y.I.Shirokova. About using some factors of Uzbekistan?s irrigated lands at calculation of the yield class. (in Russia). Republican works at the meeting in Kishinev, 1990.

5. Y.I.Shirokova. Control of the technical works for meliorative and ecological satisfaction of irrigated lands under the conditions of water deficit and its quality decrease. Works of the International meeting of "Ecological issues of irrigation and drainage", 1993.

6. Y.I.Shirokova, A.R.Ramazanov. Forecast model development of processes in the soil under the conditions of changed meliorative and ecological disadvantages on irrigated lands. "Control and modeling of soil processes" works. Tashkent, 1993.

7. Y.I.Shirokova, A.R.Ramazanov. Control and use details of leaching salted lands taking into account reclamation water and weather conditions. Works of scientific papers at 60th anniversary of TIEIAM (Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Agriculture Mechanization). Tashkent, 1994.

8. Y.I.Shirokova, M.Z.Yuldashev. About efficiency of yearly spring deep tillage on dense soils. - SANIIRI works. Tashkent, 1995.

9. A.K.Chernyoshev, Y.I.Shirokova. On the international classification use when determining soils and water on irrigated lands in the meliorative control practice. - SANIIRI works. Tashkent, 1997.

10. Y.I.Shirokova, A.K.Chernyoshev, I.T.Khudayberghenov. Research report on improvement of recommendations for distant reading method to reveal meliorative drawbacks and productiveness of irrigated lands for diverse types, and significance of meliorative measurements. 1994.

11. M.Armitage, Y.I.Shirokova. Soil and water qualities change in the result of irrigation in Central Asia. Report in NATO.

12. Y.I.Shirokova, I.Forkutsa, N.Sharafutdinova. Improvement of Uzbekistan salted soil control. 2nd International Regional Conference on Water Improvement. Works of additional articles and posters. Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999.

13. Y.I.Shirokova. Improvement of processes monitoring, leading to irrigated areas salinity in Uzbekistan. Annual meeting, 1999. Abstracts. (American Agronomists Committee, American Scientific Society, American Society of Soil Scientists), Salt Lake City, Utah state. October 31 - November 4 of 1999.

14. Y.I.Shirokova, A.K.Chernyoshevо express method for salted soils and water assessment under Uzbekistan conditions. "Agriculture of Uzbekistan" journal, 1999.

15. Y.I.Shirokova, I.Forkutsa, N.Sharafutdinova. On application of electric conductometric methods of soil salinity assessment. "Irrigation and Drainage Systems" international journal, Volume 14, #3 of August, 2000. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

16. Y.I.Shirokova, I.Forkutsa, A.Danabaev. Grounds for correcting cotton irrigation term on salted soils basing on experimental data. SANIIRI anniversary collection of articles, 2001.

17. Y.I.Shirokova. Assessment of river and drainage-waste waters quality of the Central Asian republics for irrigation purposes. Publications of scientific articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Water 2002" dedicated to 10th anniversary of establishment of the ICWC. Alma-ata, February 21-22, 2002.

18. Y.I.Shirokova, S. Mamatov, T.Dermoyan. Problems of water sources contamination in Uzbekistan. 2nd International Symposium on Toxic Algae Control, Japan, Tsukuba, 2002.

19. Y.I.Shirokova, A.Danabaev, I.T.Khudayberghenov, I.Forkutsa, N.Sharafutdinova. Resources for cotton crop loss reduction and reasonable water consumption for desalinization when applying the express method of soil salinity control. International seminar on agriculture conservation, wheat production in crop rotation with cotton on areas of restricted water resources. Tashkent, TIEIAM, 2002.

20. Y.I.Shirokova, N.Sharafutdinova. Salted soils monitoring improvement using the electric conductive measurement method. SANIIRI anniversary collection of articles, 2003.

21. G.Stulina, A.N.Morozov, Y.I.Shirokova. Ecological aspects of high-mineralized water use in the Central Asian region. Publications of scientific articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Water 2002", Alma-ata.

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