Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


Morozov A.N.

Lecture 8. Deposits of moisture in soil and types of soil moistening.

Ageless truths, whereas they are ageless, nevertheless they are needed to be reminded and confirmed.

There are many ways of accumulation, saving and recharging of soil moisture. To understand where and how moisture could be saved and about the right way of moisture recharging, first of all, let us tell a little on capacities of soil forming materials and of soil to leak and hold moisture
Let us start from the consideration - how moisture is hold in soils which are wetted by ground waters and underground waters (pore waters of first level from soil surface are accepted as ground waters).

For simplicity we shall consider relatively homogeneous by layers soils.

If ground waters occurrence is stable at significant depth and slightly impact to vital processes of upper active layer - such conditions are accepted to call as automorphous. They usually are found at well drained river valleys and in piedmont areas, and also deep from water sources in steppes and deserts, but there, when they have irrational irrigation, they turn into hydromorphous, inasmuch as ground water sideward drain capabilities are very poor.
Moisture content is significantly changed depthward only at upper layer. We can see at Picture 8.1 that upper layer's moisture is changing only seasonably, but when it is deeper then it is remained stable.

Picture 8.1. Diagram of moisture for soil and underground layers where stable deep ground water table takes place. (it is 25 m at this picture).
So called "capillary fringe" is clearly seen at the picture over ground water table, i.e. zone of excessive humidity, and upper of it up to soil drying up zone (from 22 down to 3m from soil surface) - relatively constant moisture close to "field moisture capacity" is remained.

However, it does not mean at all, that there is no movement of moisture in this layer. For instance, it was theoretically proved and field-proven instrumentally that many fresh water lenses in sandy deserts come to existence at depth of 20-30 m and they are recharged from the upper horizon wetted with miserable precipitation (it is easier to measure and prove at sands than at other bedrocks, though the processes taking place thereat are the same.

Sometimes, very seldom, at arid regions, the occurrences are observed, when between soil and ground water may be found very dry horizons which have moisture only a little bit more than maximal hygroscopic moisture. These horizons are saturated very slowly in the first several years, but if they are wetted…then ground waters arise at a fast clip to soil surface.
How could moisture reach 20-30 m depth almost without changing of moisture of intermediate horizons? "The secret" was opened by scientist A.F.Lebedev as early as thirties of previous century and after that, the rest, was "paperwork" - to find out that he was right. The point is that if moisture is not moving in the soil then it means that it is in equilibrium with bedrock (i.e. gravity forces acting on the water are balanced by cohesion forces with the soil).

If moisture weight starts to exceed the bedrock holding force then its excesses immediately begin flow down ("slip" would be more correct expression in this case) down to sublayer. But, please, pay attention, it was also in equilibrium and superfluous moisture in it causes the same impact. And, what's going down? When small amount of superfluous moisture was added to upper horizon, but the whole water column down to ground water made a move!
And this phenomenon discovered A.F. Lebedev and he called it as "capillary discharging. It could be imagined very much demonstrably with using billiard balls that put together in line. If first ball is stroked slightly, then the last ball from another side will roll away! You can test it yourself…

If amount of precipitation is enough to supersaturate a little the upper layer of soil horizon which was dried before to the condition over its equilibrium state, then very fast (anyway, during several days), all surpluses will push on the moisture column (starting from the zone beginning where moisture was in equilibrium condition down to ground waters) and replenish ground water. And percentage of moisture in this zone is changing so slightly thereat that it is too difficult to get sight of it.

Now it is easy to understand which things takes place in such conditions if irrigation rates will exceed holding capacity of the upper dried layer. Practice of irrigation in Central Asia and in irrigation systems of Russia and Ukraine confirms incontrovertibly that contrary to all predictions of the engineers that took into account only losses for filtrations from lined canals, ground waters arise close to soil surface in several years, cause waterlogging and salinization of lands.

It should be also added, that apart from the described moisture moving in the form of films, there is another mechanism of moisture moving, and that is moisture in form of steam moving along free of water pores.

Update mode of soil moisture during irrigation intervals for soils of medium textured loamy grain-size classification was shown in more details at Picture 8.2. These data were obtained at plots with open air with presence of vegetation cover, by multiple determination of soil moisture in terms (in days starting from date of irrigation) that were shown in the legend below the diagrams.

Picture. 8.2. Moisture mode of the moistness active changing zone at automorphous mode. (Moisture mode during summer season of medium textured loamy soil in the period starting date of irrigation up to 25 days after it).

As it seen from Picture 8,2, the moisture active changing depth in automorphous conditions is almost 200 cm for soils at medium textured loamy soil. Considering moisture mode, we may conclude that as on 10-th day soil moisture at 1 m depth layer reaches ~22, 5 %, (when plants growth rate reduction (PGRR) is true to this type of substance ~20 %).
So, achievement of PGRR by 12…13 day development of PGRR should be expected in such condition after previous irrigation.

Now, let us consider soil moistness regime when we have ground waters persistently close to surface, which directly impact to vital processes of upper active layer and which is accepted to call as hydromorphous. This regime significantly is distinctive from automorphous one in that ground waters permanently fed soil horizons because the waters are close to root zone. Soil upper layers indwell in "capillary fringe" zone in this case. Typical moisture content profile and of underlying bedrocks in hydromorphous conditions along seasons are shown at Picture 8.3. Here, upper soil layers pull moisture up from more moistened horizons as far as their drying. Such soils are most provided with moisture from ground waters additionally to precipitation in form of rain, snow and dew but… if the ground waters are fresh and they are naturally well drained, but if there is no outflow there, then soils are getting waterlogged and mineralized.

Picture 8.3. Moistness curve of soil and subsurface zone when stable close ground waters take place.

Such lands most commonly are met in overflow lands, where usually we may found fine meadows and wildwood (tugays). Here, it seems the Creator himself provided conditions when soil should not be irrigated, or irrigated very rarely, but wrong tillage result in to that upper layers stop with moistening and the lands have to be irrigated in summer. Real mode of moistness for medium loamy and sandy compositions for period of 25 days inclusively starting from irrigation date was shown at Pictures 8.4 and 8.5.

Picture 8.4. Observed moistness mode for medium loamy soil with having ground water table at range between 100…150 cm.

Picture 8.5. Observed moistness mode for sandy soil with having ground water table at range between 100…150 cm.

Please, pay attention that when close ground water table takes place then average moistness of 1 meter layer at medium loamy soils never go below ~ 30 %, and moistness at sandy soils - lower than 15 %. Moisture in the both cases is accessible for cultivated plants

Well, at the beginning we told about how plants use solar energy to "pump moisture" through themselves, then we analyzed how moisture is hold at automorphous and hydromorphous soils, and now, in Lecture #9 we shall tell about interaction of the whole this natural symbiosis. And if something is broken in that then the whole mechanism may start to fail, or even completely fail.

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