Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


My full name is Alexander Nikolaevich Morozov!

From 1966 year, after excellent graduating from the Tashkent Institute of Engineers on Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (TIEIMA) I worked for near 26 years in the Design Research Institute "Central Asian State Design Institute of Water and Cotton" ("Sredazghiprovodkhlopok").

In the beginning, in the department of soil-reclamation investigations at Vladimir Rikhardovich Shreder's, I motivated reclamation drainage and got knowledge and skills from him; then I went to the division of drainage account, separated from the department; and later - to the established department of reclamation investigations, where I concern with problems of moisture-salt transfer in soils when leaching and systematically irrigating with high-mineralized water.

In 1991 I went to the "Water Design" Association ("Vodproject"), where I performed work on analysis of efficiency of water and land resources use in irrigated agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and making designs (schemes) of their use in outlook.

I had opportunities to take part in a series of projects, and I was fired out of the last one thanks to insistent "pushing through" into the projects "seditious" ideas stated on the sites proposed to you. Some of those ideas, unfortunately, are somewhat old, but for officials of science and production they turn out to be "inconceivable" and "indecently" new!

As it seems to me, during my activity I have been able to form up my own opinion on both problems moisture-salt transfer in soils and irrigation systems on the whole. Since my age is young pension one, I'd like to be in time to share the accumulated "baggage" of experience with ones, who is still interesting these problems and problems of my colleagues. Here are motives for creating my site.

From 2001 to 2004, I worked again in the "Association Vodproject". Took part
in development of an efficient strategy of the water and land resources of
the Republic Uzbekistan by order of the Ministry of the Agriculture and
Water Industry of the Republic Uzbekistan.

Since 2004, I have been working in "OAO Hydroproject", engaged in problems
of water-management substantiation of hydroelectric power plants in the
Central-Asian region.

Now I'm working for the SANIIRI on problems of survey of irrigated lands in the Republic.
I continue tight collaboration with colleagues-associates, views of whose are very close to mine, and each of them is a professional in his sphere.

My projects end publications

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