Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


A.N Morozov's participation in projects:

1. Complex design task: "Irrigation and development of lands of the first queue of the Karshy Steppe of UzSSR", volume IX - soil-reclamation justification, "Zoning and calculation of drainage" section, "Sredazghiprovodkhlopoc", 1967.

2. "Technical design of the second queue of irrigation and development of Djizzak steppe in UzSSR", part XI, book 50. "Selection of variants of drainage-discharge water use" section, "Sredazghiprovodkhlopoc", 1979.

3. Main factors of water and land resources (WLR) use during 1985-1989 years. (Analytical note about WLR use over the republic of Karakalpakstan, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara, Samarkand, Khorezm regions), "Vodproject", 1990.

4. General scheme of use of irrigated land, water resources and saving them in the Republic of Uzbekistan for a period to 2005, "Vodproject", 1993y., volume IV - Irrigation, sections: "Water consumption", "Reclamation regimes", "Crop irrigation regimes", "Outlook water consumption", volume VI - Water-economic calculations and balances, book 1 - Modern level, book 2 - Perspective level.

5. "Programs of irrigation improvement, land reclamation and technical re-equipment of water economy over the Tashkent region" for 1994-1998 years, "Vodproject".

6. "Justification of water-economic significance of Pskem reservoir" to revision of Feasibility Study of Pskem hydro-system on the Pskem river. 1997y. "Vodproject".

Some publications:

1. Morozov A.N., Pavlov G.N. About calculation of horizontal drainage of salted lands. - Works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute (Central Asian State Design Institute of Water and Cotton) - "Investigations, calculations and researches in projects of irrigation and land development". Tashkent, 1971, issue 1, pp.14-33.

2. Morozov A.N., Kalyujniy V.I., Nepomniyshjaya L.G. Results of study of moisture-transfer parameters on Richard's membrane presses. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute - "Problems of designing and investigating works of hydro-reclamation systems and constructions of Central Asia". Issue 6, Tashkent, 1975, pp.111-115.

3. Morozov A.N., Artyukhova A.I., Ignatikov V.N. Calculation of osmotic pressures of soil solution through specific electroconductivity of soil extracts. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute - "Problems of designing and investigating works of hydro-reclamation systems and constructions of Central Asia". Issue 9. Tashkent, 1978, pp.107-113.

4. Kondrakov M.H., Serebrinnikov F.V., Morozov A.N. Researches when working out irrigation designs and developing virgin lands. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes - "Problems of designing and investigating works of hydro-reclamation systems and constructions of Central Asia". Issue 10. Tashkent, 1979, pp.120-130.

5. Morozov A.N., Reshetov G.G. General positions on development of salted lands. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute - "Problems of designing and investigating works of hydro-reclamation systems and constructions of Central Asia". Tashkent, 1980, pp.3-11.

6. Onishenko V.G., Morozov A.N., Volkova V.J. Osmotic method of soil moisture potential (pressure) determination. - Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute - "Improvement of irrigation systems' constructions and study methods when designing them". Tashkent, 1981, pp.126-134.

7. Morozov A.N. Collector-drainage network's flow use in designs of new land irrigation. - Collection of scientific works "Justification of design decisions of current reclamation systems of Central Asia" Tashkent, 1982, pp.42-46.

8. Morozov A.N., Zlotnik V.A. Estimate of mineralized water use capacities for irrigation. - In book: Captation and use of groundwater. Moscow, All-Union Research Institute of Hydro-technique and Reclamation, 1983, pp.32-38.

9. Morozov A.N., Zlotnik V.A. Estimate of acceptability of high-mineralized water for cotton irrigation. - Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes. - Improvement of constructions by calculation method of hydro-reclamation systems. Tashkent, 1983, pp.80-90.

10. Morozov A.N., Zlotnik V.A. Calculation experience of irrigation regimes by mineralized water. - Hydro-technique and reclamation, 1983, # 10, pp.62-65.

11. Morozov A.N., Zlotnik V.A. some problems of economical justification of regimes by mineralized water. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes. - Improvement of control of hydro-reclamation systems. Tashkent, 1985, pp.104-112.

12. Morozov A.N. Outlook for drainage-discharge water use for irrigation and leaching salted lands of the Karshy steppe. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes.- Designing perfect hydro-reclamation systems in arid zone. Tashkent, 1986, pp.62-70.

13. Morozov A.N., Ignatikov V.N. Change of soil properties and crop yield under long irrigation by mineralized water. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes.- Designing perfect hydro-reclamation systems in arid zone. Tashkent, 1987, pp.53-61.

14. Zeyligher A.M., Morozov A.N. Calculation of soil main hydro-physical characteristics of the Karsy steppe with data of granule-meter analysis. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes.- Progressive technical decisions and justifications when designing hydro-reclamation systems. Tashkent, 1987, pp.60-68.

15. Morozov A.N. Problems of drainage-discharge water use on the territory of the first queue of developing the Karshy steppe. M., Central Bureau of Scientific Information (CBNTI) of the Ministry of Water Economy of USSR, series I - Reclamation and water economy. Express-information. CBNTI of the Ministry of Water Economy of USSR, issue 10 - Irrigation and irrigation systems, 1987, pp.1-14.

16. Morozov A.N., Reshetov G.G., Serebrennikov F.V. Ways of transition to water saving technologies when leaching salted lands. - Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" - Investigations, researches, calculations of design optimization hydro-reclamation complexes. Tashkent, 1988, pp.14-20.

17. Zeyligher A.M., Morozov A.N. Salt-transfer's parameter optimization strategy for forecasting salt regimes of soils. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" and SANIIRI Institutes. Tashkent, 1988, pp.38-44.

18. Morozov A.N. Some results of soil moisture state study with tensiometers. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute.- Investigations, researches, calculations of design optimization hydro-reclamation complexes. Tashkent, 1988, pp.33-38.

19. Morozov A.N., Reshetov G.G. Genaral scheme (conception) of irrigation improvement in Central Asia rivers' basins. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute.- Design decisions' efficiency increase in hydro-reclamation construction. Tashkent, 1989, pp.55-64.

20. Morozov A.N. About selecting quality indices of hydro-reclamation system's functional elements. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute. Tashkent, 1990, issue 21, pp.55-64.

21. Morozov A.N. Structure of irrigation water consumption and its influence upon irrigated lands efficiency in arid zone. Collection of scientific works of the "Sredazghiprovodkhlopok" Institute. Tashkent, 1990, issue 21, pp.55-64.

22. Morozov A.N. Problems of water resource efficiency rise on water-economic systems of arid zone. Report on a conference in TIEIMA. Tashkent, 2000, p.4.

23. Morozov A.N. A system approach to improvement strategy of hydro-reclamation. Report on the SANIIRI 75th anniversary scientific conference: "Existing problems of reclamation and water economy and ways of their solving". Anniversary collection of scientific works of SANIIRI, Tashkent, 2000. P.6.

24. Sevryughin V.K., Morozov A.N. Analysis of influence of irrigation evenness and natural-climatic conditions on cotton crop capacity. Economical herald Uzbekistan. # 6, 2000, pp.17-19.

25. Sevryughin V.K., Morozov A.N. Furrow irrigation's elements optimization. Reclamation and water economy, # 1, 2001, pp.13-15.

26. Sevryughin V.K., Morozov A.N. Estimate of irrigation efficiency under various irrigation technique. Economical herald Uzbekistan. # 9, 2001, pp.26-29.

27. Sevryughin V.K., Morozov A.N. So what to do with furrow irrigation? Economical herald Uzbekistan. # 10-11, 2001, p.1.

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