of soil water-salt regime at irrigation.
Individual examples given below are the results of numerous forecasts
with application of adapted to the natural conditions of the Central
Asia region models of moisture-salt transfer in soils. Those are described
on the pages of "Imitation models
of soil water-salt regime", "Water-salt
regime forecast methods", "Parameters
adopted in the models to calculate a water-salt regime"
A) Modeling of long-term irrigation with observance of agrotechnical
On figure1, as examples the results of forecasting cotton irrigation
regime under the conditions of the Surkhandarya region are shown.
In this it is shown how at irrigation required irrigation rates vary
under the half-hydromorphic conditions over a number of years if in
a root-inhabited layer moisture regime and salts concentration in
a soil solution are formed, which is completely meet the requirements
of agrotechnics.
At the beginning of the design period, when the initial salt reserves
were little, water demand in order to keep assigned moisture and salts
regime was somewhat lower than that was formed since forecast 3-5th
years. If the original salt reserves were high, the need for irrigation
water would be on the contrary higher than the steady-state one. While
planning for outlook, obviously, one should accept a steady-state
1. Results of a series of forecasting required irrigation rates to
keep similar water-salt regimes in a soil root-inhabited layer for
various initial soil salinity degrees (Surkhandarya region).
B) Modeling
high-mineralized irrigation water influence on irrigation regime changes.
Basing on numerous series of forecasts for diverse soil-meliorative
conditions, dependence of an irrigation rate for keeping set agrotechnical
conditions on irrigation water mineralization is defined. In figure
2, as an example it is shown how total water consumption and water
use vary depending on irrigation water mineralization (rates established
in time, that is at continuous using irrigation water of set mineralization
during years of time.
2. Dependence of an irrigation rate's component on irrigation water
C) Possibilities for alternative annual use of water resources for
Altering operation mode of the long-term regulation reservoirs cascade
in the Syrdarya river basin and partially in the Amudarya river basin
for the last decade, owing to their transition from irrigation of
energetic schedule of discharges, causes tightness in conducting vegetation
irrigation, especially in years of mean and low water level. Agricultural
producers experience considerable lack of irrigation water in the
driest and hottest months of vegetation ? June and July. How should
one draw optimal schedule for crop irrigation so that to mitigate
irrigation water deficit in these months, advisably without crop losses?
Experience of farmers in irrigation systems taking water from small
rivers flood of which begins in early spring and runs out at the right
beginning of summer, says about necessity of executing moisture-charging
irrigation, and on lands subjected to salinity ? moisture charging
preventive irrigation. When is it most efficient and economical to
implement these arrangements in different climatic zones of the republic
under the conditions of the altered (energetic) operation schedule
of the reservoirs? What is the efficiency of these arrangements for
soils different by hydromorphic natures? How to achieve the most efficient
use of limited irrigation water resources?
Without touching on the issues of water saving with application of
antifiltration measures in canals, reasonable techniques and technologies
of irrigation execution, which are too important and independent measures,
we will cite examples of possibilities for forming water-salt regime
of soils by means available at farmers? disposal: irrigation terms
and rates regulation.
We have carried out such a work for a most wide range of the natural
conditions in Central Asia. It is known that soil moisture accessibility
is conditioned by both its availability in a soil root-inhabited layer
in a period necessary for plants and its quality, i.e. mineralization
It turned out that it is possible to use quite effectively the existing
in surplus autumn-winter-spring water resources under the conditions
of automorphic, semi-automorphic, and hydromorphic soils, where groundwater
mineralization effects in different ways on an irrigation regime.
In the article "On moisture-charging
irrigation roles in increasing water supply to irrigated lands"
you can get in more detail familiar with the results of these forecasts.
D) Forecasting
irrigation water consumption under various conditions of territory
Forecasting the dependence of an irrigation rate (namely, a rate without
costs to losses on a field at conducting irrigation with imperfect
irrigation technique) set in time subject to an assigned drainage
degree (drainage intensity) is interesting. As the forecasts showed,
an irrigation rate ensuring plants? agrotechnical demands greatly
depends on drainage intensity, and it is the higher, the worse is
the drainage degree. Figure 3 illustrates this for typical conditions
of the Golodnaya Steppe under different groundwater tables.
3. Dependence of the irrigation rate that ensures alternative moisture
regime on the drainage degree and location of the groundwater table.
The materials
given demonstrate possibilities of modeling a soil water-salt regime
in many diverse aspects. These forecasts may be usable at planning
natural experiments. In fact, it is possible to consider in narrow
terms and with little time expenditure all thinkable variants of an
experiment and select just those for a field test, which can answer
the assigned investigation tasks indirectly and in short times.
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