For lifetime of the "Vodproject" Association, by its
head organization under the direction of V.I.Antonov a series of large-scale
pre-project and project working-outs were implemented, which have
significant importance for water economy development and technical
level rise of Uzbekistan irrigation systems. Among those are:
- General scheme for improvement of using irrigated lands and water
resources and their conservation, as well as technical renewal of
water industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2005-2010;
- Feasibility report
on the problem relating to sources providing the population of Uzbekistan
with good-quality drinking water;
- Scheme for development
of small-scale hydropower engineering in water objects of Uzbekistan
for the period up to 2010;
- Scheme of complex
use and conservation of fresh groundwater of Uzbekistan for the period
up to 2010;
- Analytical report
on the National Water Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the
period of 2010-2025 years;
Being a permanent expert
of the Interstate Council on the problems of the Aral Sea basin, Mr.
V.I.Antonov took direct part in preparation of international agreements
and other materials related to ecological problems in Central Asia
caused by general deficit of the water resources available in the
Also, he has prepared
the following specific reports:
- "On some legal
aspects of joint use and conservation of water resources by the states
of Central Asia", which was reported in November of 1992 on the
International Symposium in the University of Economics and Diplomacy
of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- "What one should
do in order to save the delta of the Amudarya river?", represented
in the International meeting hold in December of 1994 in the international
Fund "ECOSAN";
- "About preventive
measures towards non-admission of ecological and social-economical
disaster in the Zarafshan river basin thanks to continued withdrawal
of water resources", which was reported in the conference of
the Republican Water Council in September of 1994;
- "How to ensure
unification of assessment of formation and use of water resources
in the Aral Sea basin?", which was presented November of 1995
to the State Hydro-meteorological Committee, Ministry of Agriculture
and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Executive Committee
of the Interstate Council on the problems of the Aral Sea basin.
In 1992, V.I.Antonov
prepared "Conception of solving the Aral Sea problem, saving
Aral Sea area, ecological enhancement and ensuring stable social-economical
development of the Central Asian states under the conditions of existed
water resources deficit", which was presented for approval to
the State Nature Committee, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, and
Executive Committee of the Interstate Council on the problems of the
Aral Sea basin. Then, the Conception was elaborated jointly with Prof.
V.A.Dukhovniy and Prof. E.D.Rakhimov, and, in January of 1994, was
approved by the decision of the Interstate Council on the problems
of the Aral Sea basin.
Above-mentioned developments and reports made by V.I.Antonov played
a certain favorable role in preparation by specialists of research
and design institutes of the region ?Specific Acts Program? relating
to the Aral Sea basin, which was approved for realization in 1994
by Heads of the Central Asian states.
He has 46 publications; among those, the followings are worthy of
being marked:
- "Use of Siberian rivers water transferred to the Aral Sea basin
and issues of designing a transfer canal and inter-basin distributing
canals". "Collection of SOPS of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
?Urgent problems of transferring a part of the Siberian rivers flow
to Central Asia and Kazakhstan", "Fan" publishing house,
Tashkent, 1984;
- "Forecasting forming of irrigation-return water, its quality,
and its use in the Aral Sea basin". "Water resources"
journal of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, # 4, Moscow, 1985, (co-authorship
with T.N.Trunova);
- "Disasters of the Aral Sea: in what do they lie" "Zvezda
Vostoka" magazine, # 12, Tashkent, 1990;
- "What water will
we drink?" "Agriculture of Uzbekistan" journal, # 3,
Tashkent, 1992;
- "About real possibilities
of saving the Aral Sea's area and normalizing ecological situation
in the Aral Sea side area?" "Melioration and water management"
journal, # 5-6, Moscow, 1992. (co-authorship with B.Y.Neyman);
- "Aral Sea and Aral Sea side area: priorities and alternatives.
Analysis of the situation formed and proposed ides on overcoming the
crisis connected with water deficit in the Aral Sea basin". Booklet,
"Mekhnat" publishing house, Tashkent, 1992;
- "On forming watered landscape ecosystem in the Amudarya river
delta". Works of Research Institute of Economics and development
of productive forces of the State Forecast and Statistics Committee
of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 1995;
- "About the Program for future irrigation development in Uzbekistan".
- "Vestnik Arala", issue 1, "Water resources",
Tashkent, 1996;
V.I.Antonov took part in the action of VII International Congress
for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) in Mexico (1969); International
Congress ICID in Moscow (1975), International Conference on Irrigation
and Drainage for countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America in
Tashkent (1976); XI International Congress ICID in Grenoble (1981);
In 1975, he worked in Egypt as one of the consultants in drawing water
scheme of the west part of Nil (West Nubaria); in 1977, in India he
worked in the group of the State Committee for Science and Technology
of USSR on preparation of the agreement about research-technical cooperation
between USSR and India in the land reclamation field; in 1989, he
was invited to Syria as an expert in designing irrigation and land
development on the Maskene land tract.
Now, he is a member
of the Tashkent Club "ECOSAN", member of the Scientific-Technical
Board of the Scientific-Production Center of Uzbekistan for agricultural
investigations (since 1997), member of the Water Management Council
of the Republic of Uzbekistan (since 1991), and an expert of the International
Fund for Saving Aral Sea.
He prepared the following
reports to the Tashkent Club "ECOSAN":
- "How to supply population of Uzbekistan with drinking water
of good-quality?" 1995;
- "Water resources of Uzbekistan as a part of gross water resources
of the Aral Sea basin?s region, and its use under the present conditions
and in future?" 1997;
- "About transboundary nature of water resources (or to the effect
that in what results misnomer)" - 1998
- "About Sarez Lake? (conclusion for the materials of observations
over the lake's state, and suggestion on preventing the hazard of
its breakthrough)" 1998.
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