Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


of Doctor of Technical Sciences

Lecture 1
"Water management situation and analysis of the technological water consumption structure on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
1. Water balance equation in sections of water sources and collectors.
2. Water balance analysis of Uzbekistan irrigated lands.
3. Influence of furrow length on the efficiency and uniformity of irrigation.
4. Calculation irrigation rates in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. Suggestions to increase irrigation efficiency.
6. References.

Lecture 2.
"Experiences of surface irrigation use on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
1.Surface irrigation and its zoning on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. Facilities for mechanization of furrow irrigation.
3. Machines for irrigation by furrows.
4. Ways of increasing irrigation efficiency and uniformity.
5. Comparative analysis of surface irrigation.
6. Possibilities of irrigation water saving and crop yield rise.
7. References.

Lecture 3.
"Mechanisms of water distribution over an irrigated area and optimization principles for furrow irrigation's elements".
1. Place of furrow irrigation in the structure of irrigated lands.
2. Water losses at furrow irrigation.
3. Mechanism of possible efficiency rise.
4. Non-dimensional parameters of furrow irrigation's elements.
5. Methods of correcting furrow irrigation's elements.
6. References.

Lecture 4.
"Recommendations on more accurate calculations of furrow irrigation's parameters on the territory of Uzbekistan."
1. Values of absorption rate for soils with different permeability according to data of the Building Regulations.
2. Technological parameters of furrow irrigation.
3. Moistening diagram and non-dimensional parameters characterizing its form.
4. Appropriate relations between non-dimensional parameters.
5. Analysis of the technological parameters recommended by the Building Regulations and ways of optimizing those.
6. References.

Lecture 5.
"Analysis of the sprinkling use experiments in Uzbekistan".
1. Sprinkling and experiments of its use in Uzbekistan.
2. Main advantages of sprinkling over furrow irrigation.
3. The results of testing "Kuban" machines in the "Severniy mayak" collective farm and a DDF-100 machine in the Research Station for Irrigation Technique.
4. Comparative assessment of irrigation uniformity and irrigation water economy by the main types of sprinkling machines and by furrow irrigation.
5. Dynamics of mechanized irrigation development.
6. Availability of the irrigation equipment fleet on the territory of the former USSR.
7. The structure of the irrigation equipment fleet in the republics of the USSR by the late 1980s
8. Estimate of the seasonal loading of irrigation technique.
9. References.

Lecture 6.
"Theory and algorithms of calculation of sprinkling technological parameters."
1. Rain intensity.
2. Distribution of precipitation over irrigated area by means of a revolving rain plume.
3. Distribution of precipitation over irrigated area by means of a rain plume moving frontally.
4. Distribution of precipitation over irrigated area by means of a motionless rain plume.
5. Distribution of precipitation over irrigated area by means of a rain plume simultaneously circling and moving frontally.
6. Values of absorption rate parameters for different soils considering rain drops diameters.
7. References.

Lecture 7.
"Evaporation of rain drops when sprinkling".
1. Methods of calculation of falling raindrops evaporation off the surface.
2. Structure of drops in a rain plume.
3. The experimental data of rain drops structure in a "Kuban" machine.
4. Method of vaporization rate determination.
5. References.

Lecture 8.
"Estimation and principles of evaporation determination with different irrigation technique."
1. Evaporation determination principles according to the Building Regulations 2.06.03-85.
2. Sevryughin's formula to evaporation determination at sprinkling.
3. Effect on rain intermittence on evaporation off a field when irrigating.
4. Relative evaporation and its dependence on permeability.
5. Other parameters effecting on evaporation.
6. Estimation of relative evaporation dynamics.
7. References.

Lecture 9.
"Zoning of the sprinkling technique and irrigation supply main's elements".
1. Sprinkling technique.
2. Classification of technique according to a rain plume.
3. Sprinkling technology.
4. Irrigation network for sprinkling machines.
5. Zones of sprinkling use.
6. Economic efficiency.

Lecture 10.
"Influence of irrigation uniformity and natural-climatic conditions upon cotton crop yield."
1. Irrigation uniformity factor.
2. The relations between irrigation uniformity, irrigated field moistening modes and cotton crop yield.
3. Effect of evaporation when irrigating on irrigation regime and crop capacity.
4. The value of damage factor with under-irrigation for various irrigation techniques.
5. References.

Lecture 11.
"Assessment of irrigation water use efficiency with irrigation by different irrigation techniques."
1. Effectiveness of irrigation water on soils with different permeability.
2. Moisture distribution in soil with different irrigation techniques.
3. Allocation of soils according to permeability in administrative regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
4. Comparative effectiveness of water use with irrigation by different techniques.
5. References.

Lecture 12.
"Analysis of using drip and in-soil irrigation on the territory of the former USSR and the Republic of Uzbekistan."
1. The experience of drip irrigation and in-soil irrigation use on the territory of the former USSR.
2. Merits and demerits of in-soil irrigation use in Uzbekistan.
3. The experiment of drip irrigation use in Uzbekistan.
4. Drip irrigation systems and their cost parameters.
5. Causes of insufficient application of drip irrigation in Uzbekistan.
6. References.

Lecture 13.
"Energetic characteristics of rain."
1. Natural and artificial rains and their estimation according to the Branch Standard OST-70.11.85.
2. Pressure exerted by raindrops on soil.
3. Specific rate of rain torrent (rain cloud).
4. Criterion of impact power of an individual drop to soil.
5. Averaged rate of rain torrent at intermittent sprinkling.
6. References.

Lecture 14.
"Theory of non-dimensional parameters of furrow irrigation"
1. Moistening diagram with furrow irrigation and the method to find its area.
2. Non-dimensional parameters of furrow irrigation.
3. Derivation of the equations determining appropriate relations between non-dimensional parameters and their graphical pictures.
4. Main conclusions of the furrow irrigation's non-dimensional parameters theory.
5. References.


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