A.N. Morozov
(The paper is done for the kommentarii.ru website,
the address of the comment of that issue is http://kommentarii.ru/theme.php?f=3&t=2412,
and the address with papers is http://kommentarii.ru/fam.php?f=5&t=23383)
What are the reasons that the Aral Sea problem
has not yet been solved? What projects were proposed in the past to
save the Aral Sea? Why those projects have not been realized? Do you
think it is still possible to save the Aral Sea? How can one restore
the former water level?
There are a lot of reasons for which these
problems are not solved, and one can try to disentangle the tangle
of the problems only having separated the causes from the effects.
In many academic papers and mass media publications there is no clear
distinction of interdependent but quite separate problems. The problems
of interstate water apportionment, inefficiency of water use in the
irrigated agriculture, return flows, and the Aral Sea drying out are
lumped together. The problems are worth being analyzed both in historical
and technical aspects, and then practicable solutions to those will
probably be found.
The problem of saving the sea itself should, apparently, be considered
in complex with the whole territory of the sea's basin. Then everything
will become clear why the sea was sacrificed to the irrigated agriculture
development, what was lost at that, what problems arose owing to the
development of irrigation and what problems arose owing to the sea
degradation, and how come so far little is undertaken to settle those.
Almost everything that has been suggested, I think, is a very zealous
struggle with the consequences but not with the causes of this crisis
Nobody is really interested to solve the sea problem per se, because
its economic value is low. I do not know projects of saving the sea
itself, with technical justification of the types and volumes of works
as well as its cost. There are a lot of various proposals from experts
and sympathizers: from cosmetic measures for making a polder system
on the coats area (what is mainly being done) to water discharge from
all the existing reservoirs of the Aral Sea basin to fill up the sea.
There are also proposals to transport water from the Caspian Sea via
the Ustyurt plateau to fill the Aral Sea. The project of Siberian
river runoff diversion to Central Asia with the main purpose of
irrigation development in the region could have an influence,
but only indirectly, on the return water inflow to the Aral Sea.
None one of the mentioned ways can constructively solve the problems
of the region.
Basically, it is possible to fill any depression on the earth with
water; the only question consists in the following: who and for what
reason needs that, and who will pay this and at what price?
What changes (climatic, economic, etc.)
has the Aral Sea disaster entailed? What problems had the Central
Asian countries due to that the Aral Sea had become shallow? Which
way the situation in the region will develop in the future?
It is very difficult to estimate the Aral Sea
itself both in natural and economic aspects. In any case, to understand
those who half a century ago decided the fate of the sea, it is worth
comparing the losses due to its degradation with the benefits that
were expected then and even were obtained partially. The latter means
the irrigated lands which, low efficient as it is, feed the considerable
part of the Central Asia's population which has grown for the past
From the ecological and climatic standpoint, the influence of the
sea is quite questionable:
- at the front of cold-wave intrusion from the
north, the sea occupied not more than 7-10 % of the extent of that
front, and its role in the climate formation cannot be traced, as
far as I know, even by means of the existing mathematic models, since
the resolution of these models is too low to catch the influence of
an object so negligible in terms of the size;
- the area of the saline lands - the sources
of air salt transfer - has increased because of drying out of the
sea so slightly if one considers the area of the previously existing
saline lands in this region and currently existing ones (located much
closer to the Tien Shan and Pamir mountains' glaciers the conservation
of which from the salt influence the ecologists taking part in the
Aral Sea problem solution care for);
- former economic value of the sea is one or
two fish factories that have ceases their work.
As for the challenges that the population at
the lower reach had faced to, their difficulty and scale are considerable.
But these problems are of a rather economic character, though their
causes are associated with irrigation development in the region.
Concerning other problems, those are not related to the drying out
of the Aral Sea itself but, on the contrary, the sea shrinkage is
related to the water and energetic problems being brewing for long
time and having especially become aggravated for the last twenty years.
There are a number of problems, and they all significantly threaten
the region's stability.
We shall enlist those in brief:
- inter-branch and interstate conflicts in
the transboundary river run-off control by means of water reservoirs
with hydropower plants that were built during the Soviet Union for
the development of irrigated agriculture;
- exhaustion of water resources in the basin
under the irrigation technologies being applied;
- as a result of unreasonable use of water
resources, deterioration of their quality;
- increasing loss of the landscapes in the
river valleys and drying out of the sea.
The fate of the sea itself, by its significance
for the population of the Central Asian region, is at the bottom of
the problems list.
Each of those is specific enough and can be resolved virtually independently,
as the need arises and as far as possible:
- Interstate water apportionment issue is a
purely technical and economic problem, which requires a team of skillful
economists, water engineers, and power engineering specialists.
- Water resources efficient use issue is, basically,
a domestic problem for each country, which requires knowledgeable
agronomists, hydraulic engineers, reclamation experts, agri-economists,
and mechanical engineers.
- Problems of irrigation water delivery to fields
and derivation of return water can be solved relatively easily by
means of the existing irrigation and drainage systems control structures.
- Protection of the sources from return water
pollution is a problem common for all the countries of Central Asia,
since each one of those makes its contribution to this negative process.
In your view, what results will be yielded
from the summit of the heads of the states-participants of the International
Fund for Aral Sea Conservation? What position will each of the interested
countries adhere to? Will they be able to come to an agreement? Is
it worth to wait for an active participation of Russia in the Aral
Sea problem solving?
I have little to do with politics, but I think
that a decision should be taken in the more or less nature of a compromise,
no matter at which of the summits: certainly the situation is taking
a hair-trigger turn. Of course, every party will seek the solution
most favourable for itself. The parties may come to an agreement only
on parity conditions, and to develop such condition good teams of
political economists and engineers who can easily and clearly carry
out computations for the persons making decisions (on the cost and
consequences of one or another process).
Participation of Russia would, most likely, constructive and mutually
beneficial in the assistance in the development of improved irrigation
techniques production in Central Asia and not in a challenging premature
and extremely costly project of the century, because the problems
similar to those arisen in Central Asia are characteristic, to a considerable
extent, of almost all the areas of Russia where irrigated agriculture
is developed or has prospects.
Under what agreements a regime of reasonable
joint water resources use can be formed in Central Asia?
Probably, my opinion is one-sided, as I know
only technical issues.
It seems that participation of all the Central Asian states, on the
parity conditions, in the construction of large water reservoirs with
hydropower plants that are capable and can ensure (maybe with the
assistance of the UNO) acceptable counter-regulation of energetic
discharges of the major rivers of the region irrespective of
what territory and state the reservoirs are on could completely
settle the problems of water resources allocation between the countries.
However, the water resources use problem must be solved by each country
on its own in the framework of general agreements on the discharge
modes, limits to the discharge volume, as well as the quality of the
water, which have yet to be worked out. It wouldn't be a bad thing
if the International Fund for Aral Sea Conservation (IFASC) would
busy itself with this.
Further follows a text which reflects back
the author's view on the causes of the Aral Sea crises, with adding
a few epigraphs.
Opposite constructive actions
result in a chaos. |
In any job, success depends
two conditions:
1. true setting of the ultimate goal,
2. and determination of proper means bringing to this goal. |
In Central Asia, water and energetic problems
existed for a long time and have become strained in the past twenty
years. There are a number of problems, and all of those threaten considerably
to the region's stability.
In the order of the discussion, I would like to express my own opinion
on the mentioned problems, since much has been said of the problems,
both "to the point" and in the form of "bogeyman stories"
about water wars; however, as for the prospects of their solution,
it is said a bit modestly and absolutely not optimistically. The projects
taken for implementation by the IFASC, Interstate Commission on Steady
Development (ICSD), etc. Are financed from separate sources by virtually
uncoordinated plans, which resulted, to say the least, in some inefficiency
of the investments being made and dissipation of those
The impression is that all the organizations involved in the Aral
Sea saving problems do want to solve these problemsforever!
Maybe this is the basic cause of that too little has been realized
by these organizations for the twenty years of their operation.
A few tens of institutions and projects, the acronyms of which are
too hard to pronounce and expand even being sober and it is practically
impossible to understand what every of those does, has been solving
the problems of the Aral Sea disaster.
In the meantime, around two billion US dollars has been spent to the
investigations and various actions, but the results in the areas where
one ought to search for the causes of the disaster are represented
by very modest "achievements" which do not exceed
hundreds of hectares of irrigated lands on which systems with improved
irrigation technologies are built (mainly at the expenses of the farmers
themselves). Probably, here we need to search for the reason why the
problem is not solved and even is worsening?
Let's try to approach the problems from a technical standpoint so
that to understand how the situation is developing and what possible
ways out are. At that, in order to make the reasoning step more comprehensible
for the layman, we shall go into the history of the problems, considering
those from the aspect of just that field (sector) where major water
mass is consumed.
If thinking is destroyed,
then the order is destroyed too. |
The technical matter and background of the
It "turns out" that 90 % of the Central Asia water resources
are consumed in irrigated agriculture!
Evidently, the Aral Sea region crisis is associated with the water
resources shortage which happened owing to the irrigation development
in the second half of the last century. Therefore, at first, before
searching after other ways of water resources saving, one should analyze
what happens in this most water-consumable sector.
From 60 to 91 %, subject to the natural conditions of each region,
of the water resources destined for irrigated agriculture are wasted
(and even to the detriment of the irrigated agriculture as you'll
see further).
Do you have any doubt?
Let's try to calculate: efficiency factor (EF) of the irrigation systems
range from 0.35 (under mountain and submountain conditions) to 0.55
on the plain; and the efficiency factor of the field (EFf) under the
existing irrigation technology is 0.25 to 0.7, respectively, (the
first figure is experimentally proved, and the second one is maximum
possible in theory). We shall multiply the corresponding values
and get the water use ratio in the irrigation systems of 940 %!
We'll foresee the reproaches for the fallaciousness like that: "You
did not take into consideration that so called water losses are not
really losses, and the water is consumed well by the plants, and in
general, along with the return flow 120 % of the water resources are
Well, let's sort it out together
We shall mentally follow the water from the mountains to the former
Aral Sea and see what effect the so called losses will have, as without
understanding this you cannot get, in general, what is happening.
Imperfection of the mountain and submountain irrigation and drainage
systems (IDS), having the lowest efficiency in the region, results
in the followings: need in the manifold increase of the discharge
capacity of the water supply facilities and channels; huge expenditures
to machine water lifting; area and local erosion of the soil; formation
of landslides; initiation of a pinch-out zones of pressure groundwater;
waterlogging and even salinization of the lands; higher nutrient carry-over
from the root-layer of the soil; groundwater salinity rise due to
relict salts extrusion. These processes necessitate the construction
of draining ducts and drainage a few times more powerful than required
for perfect systems.
In this zone, all the problems arisen at irrigation, as it were, lay
down the foundations of the crisis on lower irrigated areas (we'll
revert to this later), but from the economic point of view the ones
are interpreted by particular water users only in the form of low
crop yield of the crop being cultivated and costs to the machine water
lifting and operation of the systems.
IDS in intermountain valleys, being
intermediate between mountain systems and plain ones, have usually
sufficiently sweet groundwater under the conditions of good water
cycle of the groundwater, and therefore losses taken place here cause
somewhat lower consequences that in the mountain and submountain.
Mostly these consequences consist in waterlogging (and this is in
an arid zone!), nutrients carrying over from the soil, pollution of
groundwater, and soil erosion. The main problem is diversion (derivation)
of the losses from channels and fields.
In IDSs on the plain and deltas the
role of losses become apparent mainly in the form of waterlogging
and land salinization and necessitate the construction of drainage
and water-drain ducts for draining (dewatering) and salinity control.
However, one should note that all the above-listed unfavourable occasions
typical of mountain, submountain and valley irrigation and drainage
systems are present to some extent in the delta area too.
The following legitimate and interesting question arises: how come
the abovementioned huge water losses in systems are detrimental, and
where do they get to?
The losses on the mountain and submountain irrigated lands barely,
at first glance, lose in their volume, and their quality seems not
bad, hence they can be well used on the lower lands; nevertheless,
if one considers its not absolute but relative quality, then many-times
rise in their salinity and concentration of harmful salts is obvious.
If the salinity of river water formed in mountains does not exceed
0.2-0.4 g/l, then at the output of mountain valleys (dales) this increases
owing to return water up to 0.5-0.6 g/l; and the output of the Ferghana
valley, during many year's months this comes to over 1.0 g/l. The
similar situation is observed in the valleys of the Chirchik and Angren
rivers, Zarafshan and Kashkadarya rivers, as well as along the Amudarya
river bed (for your information: the USA rates the river water salinity
of 1.0 g/l as a national calamity).
The accounting water drain to the water inlets from irrigated lands
(to closed depressions or back to the sources) is much lower that
the total size of the losses in channels and on fields (for convenience
we shall name it potential return flow - PRF), hence an illusion of
beneficial use of the losses takes place. As a matter of fact, those
losses are consumed intensively at the followings:
- transit from fields to water inlets, due to
evaporation from non-irrigated right-of-ways along the water diversion
ducts (beginning from the fields, feeding alkali soils arisen along
the fields);
- supplying these losses to the groundwater
of adjacent non-irrigated lands;
- some part of those is used indeed, until a
certain time, as feed to the root layer zone of hydromorphic soils;
but this inevitably results in waterlogging and salinization with
necessitating following washing/leaching and much higher expenditures
of means and irrigation water for this in comparison with those required
for usual agricultural activity.
In water diversion ducts from fields to water
inlets, for example, in case of Uzbekistan, which has the most advanced
irrigation and drainage systems in Central Asia, this value comes,
according to water-balance calculations, to 56 % of PRF and ranges
under different natural and economic conditions from 20 to 70 %.
So, improvement of arid zone soil water regime in Central Asia (i.e.
irrigation or in a scientific term named as hydrotechnical
reclamation) without appropriate means of water distribution over
the field, without possibility of setting rates on it, at technologically
imperfect facilities of water delivery from the source to the field,
at poor control of the system leads to tremendous detrimental water
losses and need for carrying out of concomitant and still more costly
The cost of concomitant reclamations can be assessed only by special
investigations, and according to our assessment this abatement of
consequences costs several times higher than, in fact, the irrigation
What can be and should be done?
Please, take note of that we traditionally discuss the issues associated
with the consequences historically taken such a turn because of wrong
use of water resources, instead of the issues (apparently clear
to everyone) on how to use those right. Nevertheless, let us
specify it: what were the irrigation and drainage systems actually
made for? If to get crop production, then what technical conditions
have to be performed to get it? What does the water supply mode through
channels comply with? How, by what, and in which mode water should
be distributed over every field?
Of late years, these questions are bashfully avoided in "respectable"
publications as it stands to reason. And if someone of innocents yet
asks that, coryphaei immediately explain to him/her that this issue
is not business of researchers, but of peasants who by means of mattocks
(called ketmen in Central Asia) and, using their skill, will water
anything themselves, when needed, and properly!
And only in rich nations, financed for free by imperialists too well
off for one's own good, perfect irrigation technologies are applied
(it appears that exclusively out of snobbery!), and IDSs there operate
perfectly well.
It has a very long time ago mythicized that perfect irrigation technologies
were extremely costly and the operation of those was unbearably burdensome
to farmers by their complexity and high cost. And how hard it is for
the state (now for the farmer) to operate those - more than words
can tell.
At that, the coryphaei bashfully pass over in silence (or do not know,
what is even worse!) the fact how much costs the correction of the
consequences of the existing non-constructive, to say the least, approaches
that have been formed for ages.
For example, for Uzbekistan that has irrigation and drainage systems,
not the worst in the Central Asian region, the amount of the annual
electric power consumption for the transportation of 40-50 % of
the whole used irrigation water (about 30 km3 !!!) comes to 6,900
GWh. In modern prices, it is around 4 cents per one kWh, which amounts
to 276 mln. USD; and this is only the cost of electric power without
including the cost of equipment maintenance, salary to the maintenance
staff, and so forth. At that, it should be reminded that all the said
above about water use ratio in the systems and everything will be
clear that at the best 70 % of this water waste to losses what brings
nothing but damage to the irrigated agriculture. An analysis of water
use in the systems of machine water lifting to mountain and submountain
lands shows that these losses indeed are even higher, and the irrigation
water efficiency is much lower.
Mistaken people should
undergo the only punishment - being forced to study. |
Eternal truths, in spite
being eternal, need to be constantly reminded and confirmed. |
Something about irrigation and drainage
systems - main water distributors.
In any IDS, several principal functional elements (mutually non-interchangeable)
are notable:
1. irrigation water sources;
2. water supply units and conductive network of channels;
3. water distribution means on fields;
4. draining facilities on fields;
5. network of discharge channels;
6. return water purification and demineralization means;
7. water intakes.
All the IDSs have, generally, such functional elements, though each
of those has substantial constructive differences. The IDSs serve
all the irrigated areas of Central Asia which consumes around 90 %
of the water resources of the Aral Sea basin.
A number of mutually complementary methods to improve IDS operation
are known.
We shall try to assess very briefly the current state and possibilities
for the normalization of the operation of every IDS' functional elements
in comparison with the expected effect so that to discuss and select
the most efficient efforts and means investment ways to mitigate the
Aral Sea crisis and solve the above-listed problems.
Irrigation water sources - Syrdarya and
Amudarya rivers, their inflows, and reservoirs on those.
The system of the main large reservoirs in the Syrdarya river
basin created to stabilize the operation of major water supply points
regardless of water availability in a particular year. The system
has the ability of long-term river flow regulation up to a degree
of r= 93-95 %, i.e. virtually technical attainable level.
This factor shows that these reservoirs are able to ensure water supply
to all consumers uniformly from the long-term aspect at the rate of
93-95 % of the annual flow rate. This means that there is nothing
to be constructed or upgraded there, if not to allow for the need
for counter-regulation of energetic discharges occurred after the
economic relations in the region had been broken.
We are sorry to note that even before the breakdown of the USSR, when
the contradictions in the river flow control were not yet interstate,
availability of that nearly unique opportunity in no way practically
influence on the expediency of water resources use in the irrigated
agriculture, since in order to realize those opportunities certain
conditions are required, which we are going to talk over below.
Today, when water resources use mode is changing in favour of hydropower
generation (reservoirs filling up in summer and discharging mostly
in winter), the situation in the reclamation and irrigated agriculture
areas at the medium and lower parts of the Syrdarya river basin is
getting just disastrous.
The possibilities for real counter-regulation in accordance with the
local relief and reservoir structure are available only in Kyrgyzstan
(at the Toktogul reservoir, the Kambaraty-1 reservoir after its building
is accomplished). Kazakhstan attempts to build a counter-regulating
reservoir lower the existing Chardarya one so that to have protection
from winter flash floods on the lower reaches and for land irrigation.
In the Amudarya river basin, the ability
of flow regulation by the existing reservoirs is much lower ( r= 0.8588
%), but it is possible to increase it by means of large reservoirs;
however, in this basin there are similar hard-to-solve problems with
the counter-regulation of energetic discharges from the existing and
projected reservoirs with hydropower plants.
The reservoirs on the major Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers inflows are
of local significance and operate, almost all of them, in the mode
of seasonal regulation for the needs of irrigated agriculture.
Something about the role of hydropower industry. The activities
in this sector in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan create recently problems
related to water sources and water supply points operation thereat
(to the channels systems of the downstream countries).
The hydropower industry in the region have always been like Cinderella,
and its main purpose was generation of summer electricity and carrying
power demand peak loads (mainly daily demands). According to the
world experience, the power ratio of hydropower plants and thermal
power plants is considered to be optimum at the rate of about 1:5.
At present, this ratio in the Central Asia region (CAR) is close to
the optimum, though at the territories of some countries it varies
very much.
The integrated power system of Central Asia and Kazakhstan allowed
then and allows now quite efficient and mutually beneficial solving
the problems of power supply to the CAR states almost over the whole
territory of the region. Technical problems of the generation of needed
amount of winter electric energy were solved by the Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
and Turkmenistan thermal power plants.
Out of the total production and consumption of primary fuel and energy
resources (oil, natural gas, coal, and hydropower) of the CAR countries
hydropower industry nowadays covers n terms of comparable units, according
to the Russian analysts' assessment, only roughly 2 % (!!!), and according
to our assessment 6 %; still, it is evident that in future it specific
value will rise for the following two reasons:
a. owing to exhaustion of natural fuel and
energetic resources and rising in the cost of their extraction in
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan;
b. owing to increasing number of hydropower
plants and their capacities, mainly in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
where there are undeveloped and still good natural possibilities
for their construction.
To date, the significance of the whole CAR
hydropower industry in the primary fuel and energy resources production
does not beyond the scope of the technical accuracy of energy resource
accounting, and this suggests that the problem is, at least for now,
quite resolvable, one just should, from the economic standpoint, weigh
up the following options: either to adjust oneself to the flow mode
that has been changed by the hydropower industry, or come to an agreement
on a par with the states on the territories of which the major rivers
flow is formed and its overregulation is possible.
When it all comes down, all the interstate water relation problems
in Central Asia come to the possibility for the counter-regulation
of winter water discharges at the outlet from the mountain areas (in
mountain countries there is no water resources shortage for vegetation
period), and in future will come to the control of their quality.
Counter-regulation issues are complex and costly, but they must be
and can be settled. Just a question arises: what effect will it have
upon the IDSs of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan (that is
to say where the Aral Sea crisis originated and is worsening) if nothing
changes in water resources usage ways in the irrigated agriculture?
Water supply units and intake channels systems. However attractive
are today the problems of upgrading of the imperfect and outdated
ones, we will have to wait for a very long time (or maybe forever)
to get results of reclamation after the improvement (reconstruction)
of those, since increase of the efficiency factor up to achievable
limits (perfect channels systems in developed countries have an efficiency
factor rarely exceeding 80 %). And a regrettable thing is that this
will practically by no means solve the reclamation problems. The systems
with such efficiency that have existed on the new-irrigated lands
of Central Asia for several tens of years of the last century are
an example for this: that hardly had an effect on the reclamation
state of the lands, although total water losses were lower than the
average of the region (by just the value of the prevented technical
losses in the channels).
Domestic experience and that of developed countries
testify that water resource productivity depends mostly on the correct
choice of the of field water distribution facility construction
(irrigation technique).
Field is a singular workshop for the production of plant cultivation
products, and any breach of techniques of this production will bring
to the loss of the quantity and quality of the product and may even
result in (and already is resulting in!) absolute degradation of the
production means itself, that is to say the soil.
Keeping the water-salt regime, required for the plants, in the soil
root layer in an arid zone is a difficult and contradictory enough
problem. As a historical experience shows this problem cannot be settled
without applying perfect irrigation technologies at least during a
quite long span. The point is that it is necessary to not merely deliver
by any means water to the field soil (we would remind you that the
effective/active soil layer for even a lignose rarely exceeds 1 m),
but do it in such a way so that to make washing regime therein. That
is the average annual (resultant) value of the moisture motion velocity
vector in the soil layer has to head downward in order to divert the
salts imported along with it, because those cannot be diverted without
water. In arid climate, soil feeding by the losses of all categories
from channels and on fields, viz. upwards, will sooner or later
lead to its salinization.
As far back as in the late 70s of the last century interesting papers
were published, in which complex assessment methodology of IDS constructions
with perfect irrigation technology was given, and it was shown that
such systems are more efficient from the economical point of view
(V.E.Raynin, B.I.Koshovetsh, N.F.Bonchkovskiy). However, such project
studies, unfortunately, have never been realized (even on paper,
not to mention its implementation).
It will be recalled in brief what perfect irrigation technologies
(all types of sprinkling, drip and subsoil irrigation) yield the followings:
- water distribution uniformity
over the field, and so even development of plants over the whole field;
- possible strict normalization
of irrigation water, which prevents excessive moisture discharge
to the groundwater as well as surface discharge;
- total control of water-salt regime
of the soil root layer in accordance with the need of the plants;
- increasing agricultural crop yield by 20-50
% only due to uniformity and timeliness of irrigation;
- save need in irrigation water on the field
by 2 to 4 times in comparison with traditional irrigation ways by
strips, by furrows, by flooding plots;
- allow saving water resources at the head water
supply points to the amount of saved water divided by the efficiency
factor of the conductive channels systems; for instance, at the channels
system's efficiency factor equal to 0.5, every cubic meter of water
saved on the field saves 2 m3 in the head of the system;
- allow applying the most up-to-date, low costly
technologies of crop growing while keeping and increasing soil productivity.
It should be noted that multiple natural experiments
and field tests skillfully performed in many CAR countries have displayed
very high efficiency of using perfect irrigation technologies both
at submountain and in highly water-permeable soils of deserts.
The said above allows to consider the irrigation facilities as basic
functional elements of the irrigation and drainage systems the decision
of which the upshot of a real tangle of problems called the Aral Sea
crisis depends upon.
The principal element for water-salt regime control in the soil
is field drainage in aggregate with water diversion ducts. Its
capacity is to provide for both lowering groundwater level to prevent
waterlogging and withdrawal of salts. Since the groundwater and underground
water current lines flow at the depths occasionally exceeding the
values of the inter-drain space, the drain lines and collectors withdraw
the salts which have accumulated in the ground laying under the soils
during the previous geological epochs (so called relict salts), except
for the salts arriving to the field along with irrigation water. At
that, the more losses are in the channels network and on the fields,
the more relict salts are carried out to drainage and further (80
%) to water sources.
The researches by B.V.Fyudorov, N.N.Khodjibaev, S.F.Averjyanov, L.M.Rex,
A.I.Golovanov, I.P.Aydarov and many other researchers have proved
many times that even slight groundwater pressure (natural or formed
as a result of performed irrigation) impedes significantly keeping
of the soil salt regime. This happens because it becomes very hard,
practically impossible, to direct moisture flows from the field surface
to drains and collectors to make so called washing irrigation regime
for withdrawal of salts.
The existing long-term observations over territorial salt balance
of large systems in the Ferghana valley, Golodnaya Steppe, Khorezm,
Bukhara and many other regions are witness to that total carrying
out of salts is by far exceeds its coming with irrigation water, however
salted areas of the effective (root-inhabited) sol layer are still
The fact is that the relict salts reserves are so great that during
the existing nearly centennial observations over the salt balance
of large irrigation systems they succeeded in detecting only little
changes of the groundwater chemical structure at their almost stable
salinity level. The relict salts will be quite enough even for our
descendants, and their descendants, to carry on a struggle with salinity
if we will go on pushing those out of deep horizons by "useful"
irrigation water losses.
Who is interested in this issue, he/she can find the beginning of
the discussion on this subject in the journal "Pochvovedenie"
(Soil science) of year 1936, taken place between B.V.Fyodorov and
V.A.Kovda. B.V.Fyodorov proved that one should not confuse the total
salts balance of a territory with salts balance in a root layer of
soil the thickness of which is only 1.0-1.5 m.
At that, the more salt arrives with irrigation water as well as more
water loses on the field and from channels, the higher capacity the
drainage hast to have, and the more relict salts it will catch and
carry out from the ground laying under the soil, polluting both the
sources and water bodies of the final drain. It is like a closed disk
which is physically impossible to break without perfect irrigation
Nevertheless, where natural degree of drainage is above a certain
level, contrary problems arise caused by the difficulty of moisture
retention in the root layer virtually regardless of the granulometric
composition and water permeability of the soil-forming rocks. As the
land resources in the Central Asia rivers valleys exhaust, irrigated
agriculture at the beginning of the past century's last third spread
to the upper terraces of the rivers and submountain areas (so called
adyry), mostly by means of machine water lifting. An analysis of irrigation
water use on such well naturally drained lands shows that at a total
specific water consumption exceeding the real requirement by a few
times all those systems suffer from water shortage.
If one is to judge by "the highest standards", the consequences
of more than fifty-years' attempts to solve land reclamation problems
without perfect irrigation technologies, virtually by drainage, are
vividly evident in the Aral Sea disaster that is deepening. Today,
investment to drainage intensification somewhat stabilizes the situation
at the local water-logged grounds, but it does not solve at all the
general problem. This is testified by the steady increase of insufficiently
watered, waterlogged, and salted irrigation areas.
The problem is that they fail to establish in practice irrigation
systems with some optimum drainage parameters with no perfect irrigation
technologies. Since if the drainage degree is insufficient, waterlogging
and salinization takes place (even in the systems of so called double
control at close and fresh groundwater in the zones of good water
cycle with groundwater); if the drainage degree is redundant, then
it is very difficult to create soil moistening conditions, required
for plants, without sustaining additional water losses.
The historically formed return flows (i.e. losses of all categories)
diversion systems, which were designed and built so that about
80 % of those flows got back to their sources, do their bit to the
development of the Aral Sea crisis. Then, almost all salts withdrawn
by drainage from fields on the upper IDS get being mixed with irrigation
water to the systems located lower and make the possibility of "washing
irrigation regime" execution problematical. This resembles the
Sisyphean toil, doesn't in?
A few words concerning the means of purification and demineralization
of the return flows from irrigation and drainage systems. This element
is not available at all in IDSs of Central Asia because of the high
cost of desalination (0.2-2.0 $/m3.).
If to reduce the volume of these flows by several times by applying
perfect irrigation technologies (with unavoidable inversely proportional
increase of their mineralization) and not to arrange diversion to
evaporating depressions, it will be practically impossible to insulate
the sources from those flows.
As for the return water intakes, the choice here is quite limited
by the relief conditions. All more or less suitable depressions are
already filled up to the top, and I don't know anything about other
problems solution ways besides those consisting in the attempts currently
being implemented to establish water diversion ducts to the Aral Sea
that are parallel to the rivers. This action, in my opinion, is an
obvious struggle against the consequences but not against the causes
of the problem; at that the sea has been selected as a "cesspool"
in which any life will scarcely exist when those ducts start their
Future researchers will have to calculate what the cost of inputs
is to the elimination of the consequences following side effects of
irrigation, because this information is not analyzed and published
neither in the IFASC projects nor in mass media.
One must know that there
is no affair the settlement of which would be harder, implementation
would be more dangerous, and the success would be more unassured
than the replacement of the old orders by new ones. |
What way out of the impasse is the most
constructive after all?
One gains the impression that instead of finding ways out of the situation
arisen and not repeating past mistakes some people stand up for drainage
construction - "universal panacea", the others for immediate
diversion of some part of the Siberian runoffs to the Central Asian
region, and yet others call upon for integrated water resources management/control,
meanwhile the means by which one can control their use have not
yet been well thought out.
Nowadays, it has become a habit to discuss Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) systems that like twins resemble the former "complex
development schemes of". But it doesn't make sense to talk about
the integrated water resources management unless we change our attitude
towards its proper distribution over the surface of our fields.
Therefore, no matter how important is IWRM, one should not waste time
to this: anyway, in the situation emerged the farmers with mattocks
will struggle for water taking no heed of the advices on "integrated
Who of those engaged in the elimination of the Aral Sea crisis has
impartially analyzed what of special schematic elaborations on rational
water and land resources use is good or bad, why a lot of what had
been prescribed therein has not been executed, and what consequences
that has brought to?
Although teams of researchers and planners were involved in those
works, who had very high competence level and had prestige with the
society, and the works themselves were being accomplished well fully,
taking in to account all the aspects which were so insistently recommended
to allow for while doing "integrated management", the irrigation
technology issues were worked at perfunctorily or were not studied
at all. In practice, this situation remains in the "integrated
management" introduction programs.
Many researchers (E.I.Pankova, I.P.Aydarov, I.A.Yamnova, A.F.Novikova,
N.S.Blagovolin, N.I.Parfenova, N.M.Reshyotkina) pointed out that the
adopted of way unreasonable irrigation water use would result in terrible
economic and ecologic consequences, because the word "reclamation"
itself is interpreted as "improvement", that is correction
of natural defects and not creation of new ones.
It must be admitted that in past there was no complex project elaboration
prescribed as a matter of principle by the projecting standards of
those days (construction standards and regulations SNiP), which
allowed assessing all economic and ecologic "swings and roundabouts"
when changing for perfect irrigation technology on a regional scale,
on a scale of an individual country or at least individual systems.
In every "scheme" different areas were considered to put
to use as well as possibilities to supply water to those areas from
sources but not application of various contemporary irrigation technologies
with all concomitant consequences. At that, irrigation
technique issues "traditionally" were not touched upon,
what was a great mistake as setting water supply rate without facilities
for water distribution over the field and what is more in combination
with perfect drainage is a real way for losing the crop.
At present, taking into consideration economic realities of the CAR
states, one ought to work at the issues on where and under what conditions
it is the most economically sound to use perfect irrigation technology,
as well as think over how to stimulate this from the economic standpoint
under the existing social and political conditions. Especially, when
reconstruction projects are being worked through for costly systems
with machine water lifting to the lands with high drainage degree
or high water permeability.
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