Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich


Morozov A.N.

Lecture 11. Where do we need irrigation.

Result of oppositional creative actions is chaos.

But…, let us come back to water regime control of soil at irrigation and see, where we should irrigate, and where we should not do that.
First of all, let us find out conditions where irrigation is rational. This is a question solution of which depends on not only from climate, but it is directly connected with economics (i.e. with your wallet!).
If you cultivate cereal crops in the zone of unstable moistening, where, for example, one severe drying year of five (when even to get sprouting - is problem) is, one year is too wet (when yield of all crops wet through), and only three years provide with conventional yield, then the question about if we should irrigate is solved by economic evaluation. It is enough to compare income of the yield in severe drying year, (and possibly also of other "conventional" three years) with expenditures for irrigation management, and then everything will be clear, if "the game is worth the candle"! We could and should think hard also on alternative ways of farming that were described as early as 100 years ago by I.E. Ovsinsky whereby either dry years are not so terrible or sowings do not wet through in the wet years.

If the climate in the site where you live is such that nine of ten years (if not - all the ten!) do not provide your sowings with moisture of natural precipitation, then, the question is solved of itself, especially if there is no possibility to buy food anywhere there, or because of shortage of money.
Zones of plants provision with moisture at CIS territory were shown below at Picture 11.1. This picture illustrates how great deficit of water is at any given sites.

Picture 11.1. Zones of plants provision with moisture at CIS territory. (1- over-moist -more than 0,6; 2 - moist 0,45 …0,6 ; 3 - moderate 0,25 … 0,45; 4 - semi-dried 0,10…0,25; 5 - dried less than 0,10 9the picture borrowed from D.I.Shashko book "Agri-climatic zoning of USSR", (now "CIS")

Figures at the map, specifying level of sufficiency of water availability of the marked zones means relationship of the annual precipitation value to the potential evaporation per annum. Value of this relationship less than 0,45 already indicates on insufficiency of natural moistening, at least in some dry years. The map gives us certain information for speculation - if you should think about irrigation in the location where you live.

And now, we came down close to the question: if it is necessary to irrigate, then how to do that better to avoid consequences which may be very money-loosed for your cly and harmful for your soils.
No problems at first view! We are only to deliver the amount of water that needed for crop cultivation within the time periods specified for the crops. It is clear, isn't it? And there is another very "small" problem there - how can we irrigate in a smooth flowing manner? And a field is not flowerpot after all, the delivered water should be distributed in somehow a smooth flowing manner over all its area.
And very seldom indeed we have water which does not contain salts; even rainwater has mineralization 0,001 g/l and more! River-water contains 0,2…0,4 g/l, and if drainage waters of your neighbors upstream of your field is spilled to the river, then it can be even 1,5…3,0 g/l!
So, we are to think about if the delivered water is evaporated, then where do disappear the salts which the water contains? Do you think that it is sophisticated problem? But in fact, alkali soils occur even in Siberia though there is not desert climate there at all!

It is curiously enough, but many civilizations developed fast-paced in arid zones with application of irrigation ended up in a bad way because they could not take control over soils salinization. That is why, please, make a point, when your take decision on irrigation procedure you should also think on discharge of drainage water with contained salts in it and take into account water losses at the way of delivering to the fields and at the fields themselves. We recommend you keep in mind to think how you will catch and where you will spill these mineralized losses… Submerge yourself, neighbor or to swamp, lake … back to the river, to Aral Sea or another one?


May be where these salts were before orderless irrigation, which was named with inoffensive name as "melioration" by daring people?
And they were under soil layer for millions years and appeared at surface only whereat were zones of ground water outcrop. We shall discus about that farther in Lecture 15.

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