Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich



1. Starikov N.P. Schedules of electrical load factoring of Uniform power-engineering system of Central Asia for prospect. In collection "Methods of electrical load factoring", Academy of Science of USSR, M. 1963.

2. Starikov N.P. Economical prerequisite of mountain energy development in Central Asia. Theses and abstracts of reports All-Union counsel "Mountain energy and high dams", Tbilisi, 1963.
3. Starikov N.P. Example of feasibility study of cross-section's sizes of hydropower station's supply tunnels, having reservoirs of seasonal and long-term regulation. Prospectus, Saoghidroproject, 1963.

4. Starikov N.P. On justification of leading tunnel's cross-sections of hydropower stations of seasonal regulation. Theses of reports on the XVII inter-university scientific conference, Rovno-city, 1968.

5. Kornakov G.I., Starikov N.P. and others. About general scheme of complex use of the Amudarya river's water resource. Ghidroprject, Central Asian branch, 1968.

6. Starikov N.P. Capability of energetic use of the Amudarya river's basin's rivers. Theses of reports on the first scientific conference of the Hydro-Design Institute (Ghidroproject), M. 1969, pp.236-237.

7. Kornakov G.I., Starikov N.P. Development outlook of hydro-energy in Central Asia. In collection "Materials to the counsel on development of energy in the Central Asia republics", UzNTOEP, Tashkent, 1969, pp.26-27.

8. Loiter E.E., Ryskulov D.M., Starikov N.P. Current estimating construction reasonability of hydroelectric pumped storage power plant (HPSPP) in Central Asia and South Kazakhstan. Ibidem, pp.47-50.

9. Ryskulov D.M., Starikov N.P., Yusupov A.M., Prerequisites of construction of the Charvak-Khodjikent HPSPP. Ibidem, pp.53-62.

10. Starikov N.P. Energy and hydro-energy. Chapter VI in the book "General scheme of complex use of the Amudarya river's water resource", vol.1, Saoghidroproject, 1971, pp.220-230.

11. Sokolov V.Y., Starikov N.P. On account for damages and their compensation ways when changing reservoir's work regimes of complex hydrosystem. (On an example of Nurek hydropower station). In collection of research information of "Energhosetproject" joint-stock company. "Designing energy systems and electrical networks", UzINTI publishing house, 1973, issue VIII, pp.3-20.

12. Sokolov V.Y., Starikov N.P. About account for additional attendant expenditures in power engineering under economical justification and planning for outlook of development of new irrigated lands. In collection "Materials of inter-republican conference on development and disposal of Central Asia republics' productive forces (Ashkhabad, September 26-28, 1974)", State Planning Committee of the USSR, Moscow-Tashkent, 1975, pp.398-404.

13. Polinov S.A., Rechitskaja L.R., Starikov N.P. On use efficiency increase of Chardarya water-economic complex. Theses of reports of All-Union research counsel on "Experience of construction designing and hydropower stations' reservoirs maintenance", CP NTOEE, 1978.

14. Starikov N.P., Polinov S.A. Estimate of economical consequences of discharge of reservoirs' inactive storage capacity of complex hydro-systems of the Syrdarya river's basin in 1974 year of water shortage. Theses of reports of All-Union Research counsel on designing complex use and saving inland reservoirs from exhaustion and pollution. The Central Bureau of Research Information of the Ministry of Water Resources of USSR, 1978, pp.73-75.

15. Zudina N.I., Rechitskaya L.R., Starikov N.P. Forecast and rational use of water resources of the Arnasaj lake system. Theses of reports of All-Union Research counsel on designing complex use and saving inland reservoirs from exhaustion and pollution. The Central Bureau of Research Information of the Ministry of Water Resources of USSR, 1978, pp.123-124.

16. Starikov N.P. About use of inactive storage capacity of hydropower stations' reservoirs to ensure increase irrigation water supply. News of the Academy of Science (AS) of the UzSSR, series of technical sciences, 1978, # 6, pp.63-67.

17. Starikov N.P. Optimization of the Syrdarya r.'s water resources allocation taking into consideration Siberian rivers' currents transfer. Reports of Academy of research of UzSSR, 1979, # 1, pp.56-57.

18. Starikov N.P. Estimate of influence of Siberian rivers' currents transfer upon work regime and efficiency of hydropower stations (HPS) of the Aral Sea's basin. The Reports of Academy of research of UzSSR, 1979, # 2, pp.54-56.

19. Prokhorenko N.I., Rechitskaya L.R., Starikov N.P. Stabilization of the Arnasaj lakes' level-salt regime under the conditions of the Syrdarya r.'s flow deficit. The Reports of Academy of research of UzSSR, 1979, # 8, pp.58-60.

20. Starikov N.P. On influence of uncertainty of forecasted electrical load upon selection of a hydropower station's adjusted power. Reports of Academy of research of UzSSR, 1979, # 10, pp.34-39.

21. Starikov N.P. Conditions or economical practicability of irrigation reserve capacities when complex using water current. Reports of Academy of research of UzSSR, 1979, # 11, pp.62-64.

22. Polinov S.A., Prokhorenko N.I., Rechitskaya L.R., Starikov N.P. Forming and forecast of operation of Arnasaj lakes along with development of the Syrdarya water-economic system. Theses of reports on VII convention of the Geographic Society of USSR (section V). L. 1980, pp.63-64.

23. Galeeva L.A., Starikov N.P. GPS's pressure as a criterion of water allocation optimization in irrigation-energetic complex. These of reports on the Republican Research conference of young scientists and experts on water economy on "Introduction of research works into water economy", Tashkent, SANIIRI, 1981, pp.270-273.

24. Polinov S.A., Rechitskaya L.R.,Starikov N.P. About problem of accounting for the Aral Sea region's rivers' flow rotating in Automated Operation Systems being formed in basin water-economic systems. Collection of SANIIRI's researches, # 170, 1983, pp.22-31.

25. Askarova E.V., Berdjanskiy V.V., Starikov N.P. About irrigation efficiency estimate of regulated flow for extreme conditions of reservoir maintenance (on an example of the Toctogul hydro-system). Collection of SANIIRI's researches on "Forming, management and saving of water resources in river basins of Central Asia", Tashkent, 1985, pp.70-76.

26. Kochetkov A.I., Starikov N.P. Justification of design pressure of long regulation cycle HPS. Reports of Academy of research of UzSSR, 1985, # 5, pp.12-15.

27. Berdjanskiy V.V., Starikov N.P. Use of trailing evaluations of electrical energy (TEEE) in for HPS reservoirs' work regime optimization and fuel-energetic balance (FEB) of the energy system. These of reports on the Republican Research conference on "Improvement of the structure and economic mechanism in the fuel-energetic complex of Uzbekistan", Tashkent, 1988, pp.85-87.

28. Berdjanskiy V.V., Starikov N.P. About use of trailing evaluations of electrical energy (TEEE) in optimization processes of irrigation-energetic complex (IEC). Collection on "Problems of intensification and acceleration of Scientific-technical Progress in fuel-energetic complex under new economical conditions allowing for international collaboration" (Materials of NPKS in two volumes), vol.1, issue VNIIKTEP of Gosplan of USSR, M. 1989.

29. Goltsov J.Y., Morozov A.N., Starikov N.P. (Association "Vodproject", Republic of Uzbekistan). Problems of water resources efficiency rise on water-economic systems of arid zone. Report at an international conference.

30. Starikov N.P. Methodical features of irrigation efficiency estimate of flow regulation in water-economic system). Report at an international conference.

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