Salihjan Saetevich, was born in 1950,
main soil scientist of Central Expedition of the Uzgipromeliovodkhoz
institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the
Republic of Uzbekistan.
He graduated
from the Tashkent institute of engineers and mechanization of agriculture
on specialty hydro melioration
For the
period nearly 30 years of activity gained big experience in implementation
of all types of field scientific-investigation and survey works in
the field of land reclamation under irrigation and soil melioration.
He was the head and directly implemented experimental works on reclamation
of virgin lands and hardly meliorated lands, learned water-physical
properties, soil ability to de-salinisation, worked in experimental;
scientific production sites on learning irrigation regimes and desalinization
of lands. His activity in the field of soil-meliorative investigation
has a wide geography:
- Republic
of Uzbekistan (1969 -1972) monitoring mineralization dynamics and
level of ground water in Central Part of Hunger Steppe, (1974-1975)
soil survey for justification of projects of land reclamation and
irrigation in Karshi steppe, (1975-1977) South east part of Hunger
steppe, (1976) Djizak steppe. (1976) Surkhan-Sherabad steppe, (1978)
Kizilin massive, (1979) Dalverzin steppe, (1984-1987 ) investigation
of land on the route to be designed canal Siberia- Middle Asia,
Correction of irrigated land map of Uzbekistan,
Studying of natural-climatic condition of Navoiy region for justification
of introduction possibility of drip irrigation
- Karakalpakistan
(1977) land reclamation under irrigation of Kirkiz massive and (1985-1988)
survey for the reconstruction and meliorative improvement of irrigated
lands in irrigation zone
- Kazahstan
(1972-1974) ground water monitoring in impact zone of Chardara water
- Russian
Federation (1977-1982) - soil meliorative investigation of lands under
irrigation in non chernozems zone (sovkhozes of Ivanova region)
- Republic
of Tajikistan (1979 .) - soil-meliorative investigation for projects
justification on land reclamation of Kutkat and Takelin massifs
- Republic
of Kyrghyzstan (1985) land irrigation and reclamation in between
rivers Kugart -Karaungur and Laylak massiver
- Republic
of Cuba (1988-1991) - land de-salinisation in Guantanamo valley
- Turkmenistan
(1991-1992) - land irrigation in Chardjou region
- Ukraine
(1992) experimental works on the production site on adaptation cotton
growing technology in the condition of south of Ukraine (Odessa and
Kherson regions)
equal level, as native Tatar language, he speaks Uzbek and Russian.
Can talk without interpreter in Spanish, understands Kyrgyz, Karakalpak,
Kazakh and Turkish languages.
experience and knowledge allowed Khamzin to participate in the international
study Uzbekistan drainage project. WB. (2001-2002) Field works on
flow regulation and preservation of wetlands in Karakalpakistan.
Agriculture development project of Akaltin district of Syrdarya region.
Restructuring Agency. ADB. (2002-2003) Field soil-meliorative investigation.
/UZB/2901 Project Integrated management for sustainable use of
salt affected and gypsiferous soils in Uzbekistan. FAO UN. (2002-2004)
national consultant of adaptation of FAO methods, responsible executor
for realization FFS project component in Syrdarya and Kashkadarya
I continue
tight collaboration with colleagues-associates, views of whose are
very close to mine, and each of them is a professional in his sphere.
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