In the
present paper, possible consequences of the donor inflow from the
Siberian rivers to the Central Asian region under the current situation,
having arisen in the Aral Sea basin, are analyzed with regard to only
the engineering and reclamation problems of irrigated lands. It is
obvious there are still a number of aspects, beginning from the geopolitical
and concluding by the social ones [1-3], which should be allowed for
when developing a project; however, we will not go into those aspects,
as we are intending to merely make it clear how one should and how
one can solve a number of particularly technical problems prior to
starting a too costly work of runoff diversion, as well as why without
solving those problems the runoff diversion will hardly be economically
sound, and it may even be detrimental to the land-reclamation and
irrigated agriculture of Uzbekistan and other countries.
Besides, in the given paper, potential directions for collaboration
with the contiguous countries and Russia are considered, in particular,
in the context of the idea of the establishment of "The Trans-Asian
Development Corridor", to solve the problems of the reclamation
of Uzbekistan's irrigated lands and ecology, which have to be solved
prior to the implementation of the project. The science intensity,
the number of workplaces that will have been created, and efficiency
of this cooperation will be not at all less than the Siberian rivers'
runoff diversion itself.
1. State of the art of the region water industry.
2. What is water reclamation needed in an arid zone for?
3. What specific opportunities for Russia and Uzbekistan will the
Eurasian Community offer from the perspective of the development of
irrigated agriculture and land-reclamation?
is impossible if you follow the beaten path. |
W. Dyer.
The main
problems of water use in the irrigated agriculture of any country
are as follows:
- control
of the source flow and water withdrawal from those;
- water
delivery to irrigated lands;
- rationing
of water consumption by certain areas;
- irrigation
rationing and uniform soil moistening over the areas of irrigated
- draining
of an irrigated area for the drainage of excessive water and salts;
- elimination
of the adverse effect of irrigation on the adjacent, subjacent areas;
- transportation
of drainage waste water to natural depressions, springs, or for
biological treatment and desalination.
situation in the water economy of Central Asia is analyzed in a lot
of works, e.g. [4-9]. The main indications of this condition can be
characterized in a few words as follows:
- presence
and aggravation of the inter-branch and inter-state water allocation
- growing
shortage and worsening quality of water resources;
- increasing
areas of salted irrigated lands;
- changing
for worse of the ecological situation.
of all, we notice that the state of the art of the problems of the
region's reclamation and ecology is determined not by water quantity,
but its utilization way. In the present state of affairs, it is difficult
to change anything for better by mere increasing water supply to the
region, yet it is too easy to even aggravate negative processes. It
is well known that completely different diseases may show very like
symptoms; therefore prior to treating a patient, they try to define
the exact diagnosis: what disease exactly has caused these symptoms,
because treatments methods may totally differ. And if, for example,
a patient parched with thirst and at the same time having diseased
kidneys will be prescribed extra drinking, I doubt whether he will
get better. In our opinion, the state have developed today in the
matter of Siberian rivers' runoffs diversion resembles the said before!
What did
the feature of irrigation development consisted in till the 50's of
the past century?
When developing irrigation in the region, the principal concern was
focused on the engineering part of the problem, namely the perfection
and building of water intake facilities, water reservoirs, and canals.
In the
50's of the last century, for the first time in the region's history,
a reform was carried out towards the transition to the furrow irrigation
way. That allowed to widely mechanize tillage of the agricultural
ground and to improve considerably irrigation evenness and, accordingly,
the efficiency of water resources use. Making water supply easier
and, to some extent, improving irrigation technique with using drainage
yielded favourable results, i.e. the land crop capacity reached a
relatively high level. However, bringing into service of new vast
areas for irrigation in the zones with poorly provided natural outflow,
of surface and underground waters, resulted in the immediate aggravation
of the land swamping and salinization problems. And drainage on those
territories was not a panacea for the growing problems even there
where it was skillfully designed and built bona fide.
On very
old lands being irrigated, these problems were solved by either natural
drainage or so-called dry drainage, that is salts outflow and accumulation
on the leas and lands not occupied by crops. The ancient states on
the areas of which such problems appeared gradually went to ruins,
according to the suppositions of archeologists.
In our
time, regardless of the fact that they had already confronted the
similar problems when developing vast land tracts in the Golodnaya
steppe (Mirzachul) at the beginning of the past century, they did
not offer or, more precisely, realized any effective ways for solving
those, except for the intensification of the territory drainage. Drainage
use have solved that problem to some degree for many years (as long
as the water resources were practically not limited), although it
cost much and had a lot of ecological by-effect consequences.
development of irrigation in Central Asia continued in the 60-90's
of the last century. During that period, the irrigation infrastructure
got most features of the present day: the systems of reservoirs for
seasonal river flow regulation and unique reservoirs for over-year
regulation of the main source rivers (in the Syrdarya river basin
and, in part, in the Amudarya river basin) were constructed. These
are powerful hydroelectric power stations, cascades of unique pumping
stations, and main canals for inter-basin diversion of runoffs, engineering
systems on the areas for new development (the Golodnaya, Djizzak,
Sherabad, and Karshi steppes, and Kyrkkyz massif).
One cannot
say that the development of irrigation in those years happened spontaneously
and without plan. In accordance with the assignments set by the Union
and republican governments, the so-called Development Schemes were
being developed for different levels: of the Union, the Republic,
and of the Basins (Aral Sea, Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers) [10-20],
and others. In those works, unique by its scale, outstanding experts
from various departments, well-known designers and scientists, such
as topographers, hydraulic engineers, land reclamation specialists,
soil scientists, hydro-geologists, hydrologists, agricultural economists,
and others took part
How and
what for, under such well-designed developmental works, which indeed
are exemplary in many respects, a global-scale catastrophe has arisen
in the Aral Sea region?
In our
opinion, notwithstanding the very deep workup of most hydraulic engineering
and reclamation matters in those papers, the water use problems on
the field never raised as principal.
At the
realization of those papers, everything relating to the objects for
building new canals, constructions, water reservoirs, and for the
deployment of new lands was financed; and all the rest, the so-called
activities, among which are the reconstruction of irrigated lands,
introduction of a new irrigation method, and other alike dribs and
drabs, for the most part, simply remained on paper. Nobody was even
going to implement those seriously; they never allotted money required.
The matter resulted in experimental and field testing on individual
grounds or experimental stations.
Most likely,
some doubts were cast upon the expediency of the application of mechanized
irrigation facilities despite their evident advantages because of
one-sided economical evaluation of their efficiency which did not
take into account side-effects some of those, even up to now, are
not obvious to many engineers and researchers. For example, they evaluated
only irrigation water saved on the experimental field, but not necessarily
the case for the water which would be saved in the system in the whole.
Whereas, at the systems' performance factor of 0.5, this means that
at the head hydraulic works, the extent of that saving redoubles and
for the system there is a chance to utilize saved water resources
for efficient operation and further development.
They absolutely did not take into consideration that the load on the
drainage can be reduced, and, hence, its extent as well can be shortened,
by several times or at least by a magnitude adequate to the losses
They remembered
the ecological aspect of the matter only when the river water salinity
in its lower reaches exceeded by far 1 g/l and became critical.
It is difficult to judge how come all of that happened; apparently,
the blame can be divided, for sure, in half and put on both the engineers,
who did not completely realized the role of efficient water use on
the field and, therefore, did not assert their decisions, and on the
administration, who wanted scarcely anything else besides the execution
of the current plan and momentary getting of currency production for
"large-scale building of socialism".
Furthermore, the lop-sided reconstruction, carried out, obviously,
not to sufficient degree and only at the local level, was applying
to the entrance network, major planning, and drainage, but didn't
solve the problems of irrigation technique and, therefore, resulted
in, strange though it may seem, drastically decreasing yield. That
took place for a simple reason that even in the case of reduced water
supply to the farming, getting improved drainage was hampered because
of the fields which were impossible to water by the furrow technique
remained practically unchanged! There were cases (for example, in
a number of farms in the old zone of the Karshy steppe) when after
reconstruction the yield dropped from 40 to 20 hundredweight/ha and
even lower, although water saving increased twice, from 26 thousand
down to 13 thousand m3/ha with the science-based rate of 8 thousand.
m3/ha Maybe that was the real reason for the negative attitude of
the economic managers toward the reconstruction, which caused them
to want to use new lands since that could give them momentary payment,
and I wonder if there was anybody who was caring about the consequences.
In the
Golodnaya Steppe, the model of an engineering idea of the times of
flourishing reclamation in 1970-1085 years, one can see from a plane
with the naked eye that the half 80 % of the fields (their lower parts)
is either irrigated not enough or not irrigated at all, although it
was normally sown and cultivated, the evidence of which are individual
cotton rows to those water reached by a miracle. The rest 20 % was
merely located at the trough head and had the opportunity of totally
unlimited water intake. Yet, save for the offers to punish the irrigators
nothing was undertaken with the exception of weak attempts to apply
flexible hoses (according to the standard, 2 running meter of hose
per 1 ha!). We are in some doubt about that even if each of the irrigators
were at gun point, the situation would improved so much, because the
furrow irrigation method itself, even in theory, doesn't allow uniform
irrigation and without great losses!
is an idea that brining ample amount of pure water to the Syrdarya
and Amudarya river lower reaches can almost on its own account solve
the long-existing problems of irrigated agriculture, reclamation,
and ecology of the Aral Sea region and Uzbekistan in particular. At
least, such an opinion is formed when reading the materials on "Development
Schemes for " [11-17] and popular articles on this issue [21].
Too simplified
form (probably, we are even exaggerating) of the issue in question
is presented in those works as follows:
The first version, the simplest and comprehensible.
" there is W km3 annual runoff of water resources meant
for irrigated agriculture;
" M thousand m3/ha is required for one hectare of irrigate
" then, maximum irrigated area is S = W / M million ha.
If we are intending to irrigate areas more than the figure S
has been obtained, i.e. irrigate extra dS ha, then we have
to find somewhere additional water resources dW = dS * M. That
water can be taken, let's say, from the Siberian rivers abounding
in water.
The second version, far from being simple and not so comprehensible
as the first one proposes, with available amount of water resources
W, reducing specific water consumption per one hectare of irrigated
tillage down to M1 by taking some measures like increasing efficiency
of the irrigation systems, changing the ratio of the crops, and/or
applying perfect irrigation technology. In this case dS = W / M1
- S.
Herein, 1 = - dM, where dM signifies specific water
saving due to the measures undertaken.
If to
bring all the issue to the economic evaluation of the specific water
saving, dM, and not to take into account all the series of
good consequences owing to the measures taken in the irrigated agriculture,
reclamation, and ecology, it turns out to be very costly and, as a
rule, with such a narrow approach to the estimation of cost effectiveness,
it does not pay. Therefore, the first version, because of its complete
simplicity, clearness, and, ostensibly, economic advantages, becomes
the most attractive and, by the way, easy to control (as many irrigated
lands as water!).
So, everything
is simple and clear as to the first version: the region develops,
and when spare water resources are exhausted, those can be brought
from other basins, and again everything goes back to follow the previous
scenario In the second version, increase of areas is supposed to
be made in the result of the measures undertaken toward the reconstruction
of the system and improvement of water use.
the fact that as early as in the late seventies of the past century
interesting works appeared, in which the integrated assessment strategy
was given for the irrigation and drainage systems (IDS) with perfect
irrigation technique and it was shown that such IDSs are more economically
efficient [22, 23]; unfortunately, that suggestion was never realized
in any large-scale design workup, known to us, let alone its implementation.
In one
of the projects [18], when it had become evident that, within the
next few years and decades, there is no reason for hope for the increase
of irrigated lands in Uzbekistan thanks to makeup by Siberian water,
they applied the second approach and began calculating how many hectares
have to be reconstructed so that the water saved owing to that could
be used for irrigating one new hectare. Moreover, in that work, they
tried to evaluate the saving of irrigation water in the result of
the application of the perfect irrigation technique. That choice was
called "hypothetical". At that, they did not take into consideration
all the positive aspects of the supposed measures save for water saving
and, thus, use of perfect irrigation technology was not estimated
from the economic and ecological points of view.
are two, quite different approaches to the use of land and water resources
- extensive and intensive. At the extensive approach, out-of-date
IDS constructions, farming and crop irrigation technologies are used,
that is the low-cost methods of farming are popularized, which do
not into consideration the consequences of their effect on the land
reclamation condition and environment. Apparently, if, when constructing
the IDS existing now, they used really comprehensive approaches, for
example, value analysis (VA) methods having well proved themselves
in different sectors, most strategic mistakes of the past years could
be avoided.
At an
intensive approach, they apply up-to-date constructions of IDS, farming
and crop irrigation technologies that ensure thrifty use of water
resources preserving and improving (reclaiming) the environment. Intensive
technologies provide the base for the continual and steady development
of artificial ecological systems, which covers capital outlays very
fast and assures gaining stable incomes along with normal ecological
state of the irrigated territories.
extensive technologies, being applied nowadays in the Aral Sea basin,
seem to be very cheap; however, according to the experience, application
of low-cost extensive technologies in the irrigated agriculture during
very short period, less than 50 years, has led to integrated crisis
in that basin long before the real depletion of water resources. In
the presence of sufficiently great amount of water resources there,
difficulties of efficient control and use of those came very soon.
At the same time, in a number of countries of similar environmental
and climatic conditions, but using the advanced technologies of water
storing, transporting, and distribution in IDS and perfect irrigation
technologies, nothing of the sort occurs.
with growing areas of irrigated lands and increasing land use ratio,
certain prerequisites for system crisis were forming in the region
concerned with general water resources depletion and worsening of
its quality owing to the out-of-date irrigation technique being applied
that was unable to maintain the land reclamation state. The attempts
to solve the problems of efficient water use on the fields were, at
first, related to purely economic reasons - low crop productivity
with self-flowing irrigation ways under working conditions in comparison
with potentiality of the region soils. Still, with the growing shortage
of irrigation water and its deteriorating quality, it was becoming
more and more obvious that impetuous aggravation of the problem was
taking place. In that period, 1960-1990 years, the attempts to find
more reasonable irrigation ways that could more completely satisfy
the needs of crops for the water and salt regimes of soil, along with
the minimum pollution of the environment, were becoming more persistent.
They were testing different mechanization ways for irrigation by plots,
strips, and furrows, as well as the application of subsoil irrigation,
sprinkling irrigation, and trickles, but perfect irrigation technique
was never used for more than 5 % of the field.
Now we
shall try to analyze with no emotion the realities of the present
and determine whether bringing additional water to the Central Asian
region for the development of irrigated agriculture will produce effect
without undertaking very measures toward the improvement of the situation
in the water industry and reclamation.
showings" have been investigated and revealed often prove
to be a significant factor of the progress.
What is
actually going on today? We shall enumerate the facts being beyond
question to everyone:
a) At present, the efficiency factor of the irrigation systems (from
the sources to the fields) is estimated within the range 0.5 - 0.6
b) Theoretical optimum efficiency factor being applied now by the
most perfect furrow irrigation technology for medium- and low permeable
soils (existent on paper and in computers) does not exceed 0.7; and
this is not yet a complete characteristic of the perfection of irrigation
means, since for the productivity of crop cultivation on irrigated
lands water distribution uniformity is not of lesser importance too!
[24-29]. Thus, only 40-50 % of the water taken from the sources is
able to reach the fields; and 35 - 42 % (even this figure, we would
like to emphasize here, is just theoretical, and in fact this value
is still lower) can be used usefully by the ultimate consumers, namely
crops grown on the irrigated lands.
This is very significant, since nowadays the irrigated agriculture
of Uzbekistan uses around 88 % of all water resources [19].
c) Designing and building of irrigation systems on the lands subjected
to salinization without taking into account possible pollution of
the sources by return water is the reason for the growing worsening
quality of the water resources. The potential volume of the return
water comes to 58 - 65 % of the head water-withdrawal, including the
losses during the transit to depressions or sources estimated about
15-25 % of the value given supra. Most part of the return water, about
80 %, gets directly into the sources and indirectly, together with
river water, is partly used again, and the rest is exported to internal-drainage
depressions and is lost irrevocably to evaporation. The quality of
the return water is 3-12 times lower than that of river water at the
outlet from the mountain into the valley (0.3 - 0.4 g/l) [19]. Its
reuse is absolutely contrary to the doctrine of "flushing irrigation
regime" [30 - 40] accepted in irrigation agriculture on he lands
liable to salinization, because it returns salts taken away from the
irrigated lands located on the river upstream to the areas situated
down the IDS.
d) In
the result of the problems, mentioned in clauses (1) and (2), the
processes are progressing, leading to the growth of waterlogged and,
to various degrees, salted lands. Their area in Uzbekistan have increased
roughly by 15 % during the last 10-15 years and amounted, by different
estimates, to 50 - 65 %.
e) Independency
of the Central Asian countries and their consequent transition to
the market system in the economy have brought to the growing inter-branch
and interstate water apportionment problems. The necessity in the
introduction of charge for water-control services and in standardization,
on the economic ground, of water and energetic relations between the
states is evident, because the operation mode of the powerful hydropower
stations at the large water reservoirs of river flow over-year regulation
in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan requires for unacceptable discharge to
the irrigated agriculture of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan,
which aggravates their reclamation problems.
in our opinion, the main reason for the irrigated lands reclamation
crisis in the Central Asian republics, having in view only the problems
associated with the lowering soil crop-producing capacity because
of its salinization, deficiency of irrigation water, as well as contamination
of the sources by drainage-waste flows, is:
" wrong water resources control;
" imperfect facilities to supply water to fields;
" imperfect irrigation technology;
" unsettled problems of drainage-waste water exporting or utilization.
This is
recognized by a number of researchers having analyzed soil degradation
problems of yhe Central Asian region [41, 42].
Lack of incentives for water saving at the field level, its rational
use, pseudo-free delivery (it is paid in the form of other types of
tax and by other taxpayers of the country) were not conducive to the
solution of irrigation technology problems, especially since perfect
irrigation technique is relatively expensive, requires great operating
costs, high level of maintenance service and specialists training
and, most significant, accurate abidance of irrigation terms and rates.
For half
a century of the development of the vast areas of new lands, a situation
arose when out of the total water-taking for the systems, 40 - 50
% of which was performed by means of pumps, only about 30 % was beneficially
used to the fields, and the most part, 70 %, of the water created
so-called land-reclamation problems which are being solved by the
ameliorators exerting, one can hardly say, heroic efforts, maintaining
drainage - the panacea from all troubles [39], exporting its flows
back to the water sources (80 %) and depressions (20 %) [18]. Such
are the realities, since all the fine and right words concerning the
complex solution of reclamation problems without perfect irrigation
technique, as semi-centennial experience shows, remain just in words.
In that
way, reclamation (and not only!) problems have been formed, settlement
of which often costs today higher than the application and usage of
the most perfect IDSs and irrigation technologies. For comparison,
just subsurface drainage of 50 running meter per hectare in length
costs more than half of the most perfect irrigation way, trickle irrigation,
and equal in value to sprinkling irrigation!
The aforesaid
is well illustrated in figure 1, where the analysis of water consumption
in different functional units of modern irrigation systems, according
to the information from [18].
1. Use of water resources in Uzbekistan at the level of years 1989-1990.
As a basis
for the plotting this picture has served the water balance analysis
of the Uzbekistan regions, composed based on the materials of the
offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and State
Committee for Hydrometeorology averaged for 1989-1990 years. On the
picture, one can see that 37 km3 or half the water taken, including
return waters, barely reaches the fields. One can cast a doubt upon
the reliability of the source information or the way of its interpretation;
therefore, this will be considered to be an opinion of the author
and his leader in this analysis - D.F.Solodennikov, principal project
engineer of one of regular "Schemes for " [14]. However,
unfortunately, it doesn't matter: there is no another systematized
information indeed, and the sequence of the given figures was checked
by both the territorial balance and that of stem streams and, therefore,
those are worthy of at lest being taken into consideration and serving
as a ground for discussion.
At present,
we use, taking into account the return water, around 115 - 120 % of
water resources (by arithmetical sum of the head water inlet from
the sources), but I wonder if we can be proud of this. We could if
we had returned this 15 - 20 % of the water to the sources in the
condition good for drinking and irrigation; but being proud of the
fact that we discharge "slops" into the sources and then,
if you will excuse the expression, drink from the "lavatory pan"
and turn salinization control by means of drainage into Sisyphean
toil, that is take salt from some fields so that to send that to other
ones, which is really a nonsense, historical-strategic. It is absolutely
apparent, after all, that huge salt amount carried by drainage out
from upstream irrigated lands gets to the midstream lands, and then
it goes to the downstream one, and however much "fresh"
water is supplied to such a system, the situation will not change
cardinally, but it may result in the degradation of the new areas
of the irrigated lands, especially in the northern parts of Uzbekistan
and South of Kazakhstan.
Of course,
today it is quite easy to analyze the problem which have been growing
imminent for over half a century and was studied not enough, and the
consequences of most engineering solutions that have been adopted
were not so obvious as they are now, but one need to act in order
to find really practicable way-out from the deadlock has been arisen.
It should be noted that the development of land-reclamation science
was going on in parallel with arising large-scale problems, but with
considerably big slippage. This can be traced easily from the publication
time of the basic works on that issue [30-40]. We got historically
into that situation and the way-out should be sought not through returning
to the old decisions (such as only increasing water supply to the
systems by brining additional irrigation water volumes [43] from somewhere
outside to the system or only exporting to the Aral Sea great amount
of return water being formed at the current irrigation technologies
[44]), but by searching after other approaches, including those being
employed worldwide.
We would
like to say to probable opponents of this article out of the old engineers
and irrigators (specialists in land-reclamation) groups: "How
come it happened that way that the problems have arisen to a considerable
degree contrary to your workups?!" After all, in the schemes,
it was pointed out that there was a need in, at least, the reconstruction
of the system and irrigated lands and in application of perfect irrigation
technique All that was present in your works, but, tell us, please,
in all sincerity, how come all that ended in catastrophe?
in the abovementioned schemes and designs the all, we had written
about earlier, was present to some degree, and as a result we have
the Aral Sea CATASTROPHE! An opinion is being formed that nobody
wrote those designs and was going to finance and execute. Is there
any guarantee that with the "grasping capitalist" having
come, the situation will get better than under the "old good
socialism" and that what was prescribed in the runoff diversion
design [43] will be performed? Nowadays the Aral Sea problem, having
become mature for 25-30 years since the appearance of the first runoff
diversion designs, is illustrating very clearly the consequences of
such "tandems", when one does not think through well or
defend that he is designing, and another one does not complete well
that written indistinctly in the design.
So, there
is direct evidence of water resources deficit being faced by the consumer
in the Central Asian region, but not in the region yet: here, so far
there is the deficit of problem comprehension and, in this connection,
some difficulties with the decision of a sound policy.
This excludes
not in the least the need right now for working out of the designs
of bringing Siberian rivers water to the Central Asian region, as
it is not difficult to understand that in a few decades with any,
even super-economic and technically perfect, water use, for the development
of irrigated agriculture we will need anyway supplementary water resources,
whereas making up good deliberate design takes considerable time.
Besides, it is quite apparent that the reasonable redistribution of
abundant Siberia water resources to the arid regions rich in thermal
resources and having vast areas of undeveloped lands will result in
nothing but mutual advantage.
So what
should be of priority in tackling the indicated problems and how the
Trans-Asian Development Corridor can contribute to the solution of
so large-scale problems long before the diversion of Siberian rivers
So that to understand what the constructive ways out of the situation
have formed may be and, basing upon that, propose a technical strategy
for the development of irrigated agriculture in Uzbekistan, as well
as determine the role of and periods for the diversion of a part of
the Siberian rivers runoffs, let us examine once more elementary truths:
why do we need water, what for, and how to use it, and how much of
it do we really need?
is in our power not to persist in an error rather than to prevent
ourselves from the error. |
amelioration is required for recovering natural moisture deficit (evaporation
minus precipitations) and controlling salt regime of very thin, 0.9
- 1.2 m, root layer needed to grow cultivated plant virtually of any
kind, including woody-shrubby too, in which over 90 % of plant's root
is, in order to gain the production of plant cultivation [45]. This
is the layer which is the subject of hydroengineering land-reclamation,
which is supposed to provide water-salt regime in the one. The purpose
of other kinds of soil control (agro-technical amelioration) is providing
the conditions necessary for the attainment of potentially soil crop-producing
power (agricultural engineering for crop cultivation, selection of
its kinds and sorts, fertilizer application, and so on).
In the arid zone, moisture deficit available and other natural factors
condition the pattern, intensity, and time for conducting corrective
actions and a set of technical devices for its realization which,
of course, is desirable to be minimized. For different natural conditions,
the ways and rate of reclamation should be strictly differentiated
[54 - 56].
of water amelioration by imperfect methods, that is water supply in
excess of the volume required and, what is more, leaving aside the
root layer (in the form of losses from canals and on irrigation fields),
results in the demand for draining and need in salinization control
even where the designers and researchers never expected, that is to
say it causes secondary, concomitant problems, merely diametrically
opposite to the first one and paradoxical for an arid zone. Draining
at moisture deficit is paradoxical, isn't it (and this is true), and
this aspect is of current importance even for fresh, hydromorphic
soil absolutely not subjected to salinization, since, in that case,
anyway drainage is needed for water regime control, i.e. water-logging
Let us
analyze what effect the losses in one or another functional element
of the system make directly upon plant cultivation on the field through
forming some hydrogeological and meteorological condition for sufficiently
short period of time not exceeding ten years, feeding underground
water and producing thereby local head [46, 47].
1. Main
and big inter-farm canals, supplying water to irrigation massifs,
exert negligible influence on the reclamation state of lands if they
pass via non-irrigated areas; otherwise, their effect is reduced to
a narrow strip along the canals the specific length of which is little.
In this narrow strip alongside of the canals commanding the territory
usually alkali soil is formed because of continual feeding and evaporation
of underground water with even low salinity.
2. Smaller
inter-farm (intra-farm canals in former collective farms, i.e. kolkhoz,
and state farms, sovkhoz) and intra-farm canals have the length much
longer than the main and inter-farm canals and, therefore, their influence
is quite more substantial. Losses from those, counting upon one hectare
of irrigated area, come to values commensurable with irrigation rates;
and the water loss from those causes the problems not only on the
lands prone to salinity. Its head capacity promotes salinization of
soil horizon by relic salt solutions being displaced out from deep
levels and often brings to swamping on totally fresh soils.
3. Major
influence upon the uniformity of field moistening and control of soil
salt regime is made by the water distribution means on the fields.
According to the definition of the classical scholars of irrigated
agriculture, water distribution facilities on the field serve for
water conversion from flowing state to soil moisture state. So what
will be gained in the result of uniform irrigation with respect to
crop yielding, reduction of water consumption by the field, water
draining, purity of the sources, and manipulate with water resources?
The experience
of a number of countries in the world and numerous experiments in
Uzbekistan (of course, correctly conducted from the research standpoint)
is evident of that application of mechanized irrigation facilities
increases crop capacity by 20 - 40 % and more, contributes to water
saving on the field by 20 - 50 % and, owing to that, respective reduction
of return water. Every single cubic meter of water have been saved
on the field with the conducting network efficiency factor of 50 -
60 % reduces in that way the need in head water withdrawal nearly
twice without any reconstruction of the canals system (!). Crop capacity
enhancement is achieved most of all due to even water distribution
over the field surface and because of possible strict rating of water
supply, which is unachievable with surface irrigation ways [27 - 29].
Not long
ago, very experienced irrigator and great expert R.A.Alimov [48] estimated
the irrigation capacity of the water resources available for Uzbekistan
as 2.0 mln ha (today this area comes to 4.2 mln ha) and speak in the
quite negative of the results of the numerous experiments of the All-Union
Research Institute of Cotton Growing "SoyuzNIHI". He was
proceeding from the realities of those irrigation ways that were being
practiced that time and are being practiced nowadays. We should say
that if to keep irrigated agriculture in manner similar to which has
been practiced until now, then one should acknowledge that Mr.Alimov
was right. With transferring small lots to individual farmers for
long leasing it became impossible, even in theory, to realize the
recommendations on the application of optimum parameters for furrow
irrigation technique: to keep up the optimum furrow length and water
flow to the furrows.
Let us
consider the example of the Bukhara region, which has relatively stable
reclamation state now. The region annually takes nearly 5.0 km3 of
water (roughly 4.0 km3 by machine lifting from the Amudarya river
and about 1.0 km3 by self-flowing from the Zarafshan river), and exports
around 1.5 - 2.3 km3, that is 30 - 45 %. This is the cost of steady
reclamation condition with the current irrigation technique and under
comparatively intensive drainage. Water consumption per one hectare
amounts here 13.6 - 17.2 m3/ha at irrevocable water consumption in
the gross is about 8.2 ths. m3/ha.
The Khorezm
region, being famous previously for its high farming standards, now
got into a predicament owing to poor drainage and water export problems,
and the result was not long in affecting adversely: yield decreased,
the reclamation condition is in the worst state. Moreover, all-round
allocation of rice crops alternately with upland crops doesn't promote
the improvement of ameliorative condition. Herein, water consumption
per hectare comes to 17.0 - 21.0 ths.m3/ha with irrevocable water
consumption in gross around 5.7 ths. m3/fa. In addition, wide application
in the Khorezm region of so-called sub-irrigation, absolutely inadmissible
for long use under the conditions of the lands subjected to salinization
and having insufficient natural and artificial drainage degree, played
a mean joke. Because of the silting of collectors and backwater there,
high water exporting is absolutely ineffective and does not contribute
to the improvement of reclamation condition, since the irrigation
water passes by transit via canals and is discharged through small
collectors often spanned with bridges all the year round. In other
words, major water mass taken by IDS is virtually not used for irrigation
and does not pass the way through the soil to underground water and
further to drains and per se flows through the canals to the collectors
and further to the catch-waters. Low irrevocable water consumption
proves its right.
In the
Karakalpakstan republic, the situation is somewhat better due to low
land use ratio; here, non-irrigated lands play the part of so-called
"dry drainage". Water consumption per one hectare amounts
there to 11 - 18.9 ths. m3/ha at irrevocable water consumption in
gross about 9.2 ths. m3/ha, which is considerably higher than in Khorezm,
though its territory is located on more northern part.
Also other regions of Uzbekistan are not distinguished by high water
saving (see table 1).
1. Analysis of water use for irrigation in the regions of the Republic
of Uzbekistan
(According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
and Water Design Research Institute for 1989)
withdrawal for irrigation
flow (DDF)
water consumption (not allowing for precipitations)
of DDF out of water-withdrawal
ths. m3. ha
mln. m3
ths. m3/ha
mln. m3
ths. m3/ha
of Karakalpakstan
Yet, the
materials of SoyuzNIHI and other organizations, according to the results
of thousands of experiments, are evident of the possibility of considerably
lower water consumption at its reasonable use. How can this be comprehended
and changed? Why in reality even slightest reduction of water supply
causes its famine?
of all, because the efficiency coefficient of the conducting systems
is too low.
It does not become higher during low-water years either, and this
means the extent of the losses remain, and only the difference between
the head water withdrawal and losses.
In table
2, canal lining degree is presented, existing in 1998 in the different
regions of Uzbekistan. At present, the situation is still worse, since
for the past period the most of lining became worthless, and reconstruction
was not made.
Table 2. Extension and technical feature of the main and inter-farm
network (km).
(According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
and Water Design Research Institute for 1989)
in total , km
of network lined
of Karakalpakstan*)
of the Republic of Uzbekistan
*) Data
of the Department of Reclamation and Water Economy of Uzbekistan "Uzmeliovodhoz"
reason, technical, is imperfect irrigation technique. Furrow irrigation
cannot even theoretically provide uniform irrigation and acceptable
quantity of depth and surface discharges [24-29]. A maximum that can
be reached with its application under ideal conditions (mainly on
paper and in computer) is the so-called irrigation technology factor
equal to 0.7 which represents the ratio of all the water supplied
to the field to the water absorbed by it (that is without surface
discharge). At that, the uniformity of field moistening and side-effects
in the form of the losses to depth discharge through ground water
in the result of salt redistribution are not taken into account [41
- 42].
a perfect irrigation technology is applied nowhere in Uzbekistan,
excepting for the experimental and productive plots in various research
institutes. It is interesting that in work [50], executed on the instructions
of the Water Design Institute "Vodprojekt" for the working
out of a regular "Scheme for " [19], notwithstanding the
advantages of perfect irrigation ways being described, the following
several errors were made:
- "
at sprinkling, up to 25 - 30 % of irrigation water is purportedly
lost in air, though the works of SANIIRI itself [51], Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations [52] and [53] demonstrated
that this is physically impossible and is not corroborated; see
also the article on our website "ON
- "sprinkling
application is recommended only under hydromorphic conditions with
fresh underground water (where it practically cannot allow water
- "
at economic evaluation of a perfect irrigation technique according
to the capital investments (based on the facilities cost) and annual
expenses, they mention, for some reason, of the need for taking
into account combined investments into industry as if the prices
of it, perfect irrigation technique, are not allowed for in the
cost of the equipment being manufactured.
- "
in the section, referring to the recommendations on the irrigation
systems reconstruction, they even do not mention of the application
of perfect irrigation way.
of the significance of irrigation technique is prevailing amongst
irrigators. Probably, they think it is the duty of agrarians to tackle
the question of water use on the field. We will cite as an example
a pretty serious work "Integrated water resources control"
[57], the necessity of which is difficult to overestimate. In this,
out of 95 pages of the text, literally a few lines are dedicated to
the problem of water use perfection, in fact, on fields (that is,
where mostly the "integrated control" is being performed)!
However, in our opinion, even superperfect control of water resources
at every level, except the field, can settle nothing basically, neither
in irrigated agriculture nor in reclamation, and in ecology either.
(We shall remind once more that it is irrigated agriculture that consumes
nearly 88 % of the water resources of the region!).
And the third reason of higher water withdrawal is insufficient drainage
degree of the irrigated territories, not conforming to the above-enumerated
losses. Heavy nonproductive water consumption in the conducting systems
and on the fields under these conditions leads to groundwater rise
and its increased consumption in inter-irrigation periods for evaporation
and transpiration because of increasing inter-irrigation-period average
moisture in the upper soil layers, which conduces to soil salinization.
(It is very substantial that this moisture flow "works"
against the conditions required for soil desalinization! In order
to understand this, one needs to imagine a three-dimensional picture
of moisture flow movement in the aeration zone and lower strata).
As a result of this, to keep normal salt regime of the soil, increased
irrigation water consumption is required. The calculations of long-term
water-salt soil regime for the period of 10-20 years, made for the
territories of different conditions of underground water level and
artificial drainage degree [49], evidences that the lower is the drainage
degree, the more irrigation water needs to be supplied to maintain
specified conditions for the plants in the soil root layer: for keeping
stable, in the many year's perspective, water-salt regime. Moreover,
if the drainage degree is lower than a certain degree, regular irrigated
agriculture becomes impossible at all because of soil swamping.
In the light of the above-stated, it becomes clear why water consumption
in real practice and on the experimental fields are so sharply different
to that considered in the designs, plans, and calculations.
What will Siberian water bringing result in if the irrigation systems
and irrigation technology on fields (especially on highly water-permeable
those in the lower reaches) remain at the current level? What consequences
may be in the result of water bringing for irrigation without construction
of perfect irrigation and drainage systems in the northern parts of
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan? Why without reconstructing
IDS it is inexpedient and perilous to divert the Siberian rivers runoffs?
From the aforecited facts and materials, it is clear that an ecological
catastrophe is to the fore, and one must find and eliminate the causes
rather than the consequences, and the first precept of an honest engineer
in irrigation as well as of a doctor must be the precept "DO
In Kazakhstan, this is, first of all, the hazard of salinization and
soil alkalinization. At that, the solonetzic soil reclamation problems
are more complicated than the reclamation of salted ones.
In Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and in Kazakhstan's dry southern parts
with slight slope of the surface that are the "areas of final
outlet" from the geochemical standpoint, there is swamping and
salinization risk.
An idea suggests itself that, at first, one needs to create the conditions
for the efficient intake of Siberian water, recover the reclamation
and ecological situation in Uzbekistan IDSs, and only then venture
upon such a costly work. And this, in itself, will allow to delay
considerably the terms of carrying out the project in question.
A question arises, where from to get funds to purchase machinery?
And where from to get such amount of energy so that to provide the
operation of sprinkling machines and trickle irrigation systems? It
is strange but, for some reason, no question emerges in anyone's brain
concerning where from so far the funds are found for the machine lifting
50 % of all irrigation water (nearly 30 km3)? And, then, at the expense
of what 70 % of uselessly lost water is exported? And if being more
exact, one should replace the expression "uselessly lost"
with "lost to the detriment of reclamation and ecological conditions
of the irrigated lands".
In table 3, the efficiencies of different irrigation methods for typical
conditions of Uzbekistan (heavy medium-loamy soils on loess-like strata,
occupying in area extent about 50 % of all the irrigated nowadays
lends) with respect to irrigation water productivity [27-29]. For
highly-water-permeable soils (they take up over 25 % of the Uzbekistan
irrigated lands), the effect in the result of the application of high
irrigation technologies is expected to be several times higher.
3. Comparative effectiveness of different irrigation methods for the
typical conditions of Uzbekistan.
technique in question |
uniformity |
Use Ratio of the field |
loss factor |
productivity factor |
productivity |
non-mechanized irrigation (standard by Construction Standards and
Rules SNiP |
with hoses, pipeline with controlled water outlet |
irrigation with the machines of moving operation |
sprinkling systems |
pulse systems |
irrigation gun (DFD-80) |
sprinkling (DDA-100) |
(Kuban, Walleye) |
irrigation with local moisturizers |
irrigation with local moisturizers |
calculations carried out based on increased figures of the needs for
water and water water-drain (taken from well detailed workups of the
current condition under the existing irrigation technology, which
were made in the works of "Vodproject" of recent years [19])
and expounded by us for various IDS development scenarios for remote
outlook are presented in table 4. These data are showing very clearly
what should be the priorities of Uzbekistan IDS development strategies.
The ones may serve as the basis for determining the time of needed
feeding with Siberian water (at detailed working out of the design).
4. Probable scenarios of Uzbekistan irrigated agriculture development
on the base of the water resources fixed by inter-governmental agreements.
values specifying different variants of
water economy development
of perfect irrigation technique
of perfect irrigation systems and irrigation technique
irrigation rate (net field) according to fixed irrigation regimes,
factor of irrigation technique
efficiency factor of main and inter-farm irrigation systems
efficiency factor of the irrigation systems
efficiency factor of the systems
amount of return water, m3/ha.
of demands in irrigated agriculture, m3/ha
water possible to be reused, m3/ha
of demands in irrigated agriculture except for drainage-discharge
flow (DDF), m3/ha.
for irrigated agriculture, km3/year
possible for irrigation (with no water shortage), mln.ha
growth in respect to existing irrigated area (4,2 mln.ha), mln.ha
productivity of irrigated agriculture at a ratio to the existing
productivity of irrigation water
flow of DDF at a ratio to the existing
*) As
a matter of fact, the degree of irrigation rates under perfect irrigation
technique will reduce by 20-40 %, while for the 25 % of highly water-permeable
soils even more, which, consequently, will improve very much the situation
of DDF export and draining of subjacent areas, e.g. those adjacent
to adyrs.
conditions, under which the Siberian water is not going to do harm
to the existing non-irrigated and irrigated lands in the northern
(particularly!!!) and southern zones, should be, in our view, completely
up-to-date equipped AMELIORATIVE systems which are oriented to getting
Here, the questions of priority are those concerning allowing for
climatic, hydrogeological, and soil conditions of the territories
supposed for water supply increase or new irrigation. Otherwise, the
lot of the Siberian water brought will be the same as of ours, Central
Asian one.
What can
be undertaken in order, at least, to distinguish really realizable
one from that ought to be delayed for future? Where is it economically
sound to grant at the expense of the government the purchase and exploitation
of irrigation technique, and where is it unprofitable?
In our opinion, it is necessary, without sparing funds and attention
from the government, to work out a strategic scheme for water industry
development so that, with using available research and production
workups in the land-reclamation sector, to determine the territory
where one or another technical and organizational solution will be
efficient. At the same time, one should take into account the present-day
market situation (existing ration of costs to energy, energy carriers,
engineering industry output, perfect irrigation methods, and agricultural
the radical reconstruction of Uzbekistan IDS is a greatly difficult
task from the technical point of view, which requires developed industry
and is capital-intensive and long-timed; it should be realized by
a long-term strategic plan, in the accomplishment of that Russia,
because of its geographical location, has its own interests. Throughout
the world, perfect, quite cheap irrigation equipment, machines for
canal lining, agricultural machinery, and so forth have been manufactured.
But the delivery cost of that equipment to Uzbekistan is too high
and is very often comparable with its own cost. Having in the past
huge industrial and military-industrial potential, Russia could, on
its base, become a competitor for most foreign countries with regard
to the manufacture of reclamation machinery.
the priority degree of Russian cooperation with Uzbekistan is apparent,
so that to break the vicious circle of our, Uzbekistan, water resources
shortage (at the same time their, Russia, comparative water abundance
today!), in the joint and mutually beneficial manufacture of cheap
and reliable irrigation equipment for selling to Uzbekistan (possibly
on credit) as early as at the stage preceding the Siberian rivers
runoffs diversion. At that, cooperation forms may be very diverse:
from direct contracts with individual farmers for delivery of compact
irrigation equipment and agricultural machines to contracts at government
level for supplying construction machines and systems for building
and reconstruction of IDS. The only point is that whether the Russian
manufacturer will be able to handle such a problem as producing that
equipment of good quality and low cost, so that to compete with the
Western and Eastern countries.
costs not so much to notice mistakes; but it is doing something
better is what befits a worthy man. |
Russia can find a very wide market to sale a broad range of manufactured
goods and productions for irrigation long before the realization of
the project on the diversion of some part of the Siberian rivers runoff,
as follows:
- pumps
with capacity of 20 to 50 m3/s;
- hydropower
units for big and small hydropower stations;
- irrigation
equipment (sprinkling, drip irrigation, etc.), designed for various
soil-reclamation conditions and various servicing areas;
- machines
for the construction and lining of canals when building a new hydropower
station and its reconstruction;
- excavators
for cleaning canals and collectors;
- tractors
and other types of agricultural machinery;
- reclamation
machines and devices.
On the
other hand, Uzbekistan is a traditional producer of the unique plant
cultivation product that has no analogues in the world, as well
as the technical crop product which is in steadily high demand on
the world market, such like:
- rathe
- fresh
fruits, vegetables, and melon and gourds: dried apricots, apricot,
grapes, pomegranate, melon, water-melon, onion, garlic, and so on;
- dried
fruits: dried apricots, apricot, grapes, melon, and so on;
- walnut,
almond, pistachio, peanut;
- spicery;
- wines
and wine products;
- technical
crops: cotton, liquorice, kenaf, etc.
realization of the above-said on the questions, to the point, of
reclamation will increase the amount of capital investments required
for the carrying out of the project of Siberian rivers runoffs diversion
to the Central Asian region, but, at the same time, it will hasten
and make stable their return; in the market economy, not only investment
amount is significant, but its return in the form of profit is even
more important. It's time to forget that "economy must be economic"
- it must effective.
The reforms, being carried out recent years in Uzbekistan in the
field of water interrelations between the agents of the governmental
systems and water users which is directed towards water use regulation
and transition to market relations, allow hoping for soon positive
results; and the recent inter-governmental agreements, concluded
in November of 2005 between Uzbekistan and Russia and ratified on
March 7, 2006, enable to start wide cooperation in land-reclamation
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